2021 Meeting Materials & Minutes

Meetings:  Each month, the Kansas State Board of Education conducts a regular business meeting, which is open to the public. See below for the schedule of meetings, generally planned for the second Tuesday and Wednesday of the month unless otherwise noted with an asterisk (*). 

Agendas and Meeting Materials:  An agenda is published in advance of each meeting to notify the public of items the Board will be considering. An electronic version of the agenda and support materials are available on this page.

Meeting Location:  Landon State Office Building, 900 SW Jackson Street, Topeka, unless alternate location is identified on the agenda. The Landon Building is east of the State Capitol. The Board Room is in Suite 102.

Web streaming: See the following link for live streaming availability  http://www.ksde.org/Board/Kansas-State-Board-of-Education/Streaming-Media

Accessibility: Individuals who need the use of a sign language interpreter, or who require other special accommodations, should contact Peggy Hill at 785-296-3203 or plhill@ksde.org at least seven business days prior to a Kansas State Board of Education meeting.

Citizens’ Open Forum:  The State Board of Education provides an opportunity for citizens to share views about topics of interest or issues currently being considered by the State Board. The Open Forum takes place the morning of the Tuesday meeting. Each speaker is allowed three minutes. Any person wishing to speak shall complete a presenter’s card at the meeting, giving his or her name and address, and the name of any group he or she is representing. If written material is submitted, 13 copies should be provided.

Minutes: The meeting minutes of the State Board of Education are posted on the website after the Board has approved them the following month.

2021 Meeting Dates

Agenda   Meeting Materials   Approved Minutes   Mtg. Summary
January 12 and 13 January Agenda January Materials January Minutes January Mtg.
February 9 and 10 February Agenda February Materials February Minutes February Mtg.
Feb. 22 Special Mtg * Feb. 22 Agenda Feb. 22 Materials Feb. 22 Minutes -----
March 9 and 10 March Agenda March Materials March Minutes March Mtg.
April 13 and 14 April Agenda April Materials April Minutes April Mtg.
April 19 Special Mtg * Virtual April 19 Agenda April 19 Materials April 19 Minutes -----
May 11 Topeka, May 12 KCK, Olathe May Agenda May Materials May Minutes May Mtg.
    EANS/ESSER Materials    
June 8 and 9 June Agenda June Materials June Minutes June Mtg.
    ESSER II Materials    
July 13 and 14 July Agenda July Materials July Minutes July Mtg.
    ESSER II Materials    
August 10 and 11 August Agenda August Materials August Minutes August Mtg.
    ESSER II Materials    
September 14 and 15 September Agenda September Materials September Minutes September Mtg.
    ESSER II Materials    
October 12 and 13

October Agenda

October Materials
ESSER II Materials
EANS II Materials
October Minutes

October Mtg.

November 9 and 10 November Agenda November Materials
ESSER II Materials
EANS II Materials
November Minutes
November Mtg.
December 14 and 15 December Agenda December Materials
ESSER II Materials
December Minutes December Mtg.


2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Board Secretary
Peggy Hill

Board member contact information  (PDF)  

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The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. (more information...)

To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at gc@ksde.org or by 785-296-3201.