Links to the 16 cluster webpages that contain cluster specific information, including links to the Course Competency Profiles and Employment Outlook Information.
This webpage gives information about Advisory Committees, including a link to the “Advisory Committee Handbook”; information on the Kansas Advisory Committee for Career & Technical Education (KACCTE); and links to CTE Wage & Employment Data for all 16 Career Clusters.
This webpage contains information about the eight KSDE supported CTSO’s in Kansas with links to the individual webpage for each.
The Career Cluster Guidance Handbook contains Course Design Sheets for all Kansas Career Cluster Pathways, the Kansas Career Clusters & Pathways Chart, the Pathway C.I.P. Codes, the chart of Pathway Crossover Courses, Kansas Career Clusters Terminology, and information on creating Program Improvement Plans with SMART Goals.
Cluster Handbook SY 2024-2025 (PDF) Cluster Handbook SY 2025-2026 (PDF) Revised Nov. 22, 2024
This webpage provides information on Perkins grants, monitoring and resources.
Kansas has many outstanding career and technical education students and teachers. This webpage will recognize those who earned such status including the KS CTE Scholar and the Presidential CTE Scholar.
This webpage provides information about End of Pathway Assessments (such as cPass, AAFCS Pre-PAC, National Health Science Assessment, etc.) and a link to a list of sample industry-recognized Assessments, Certifications, and Credentials (K-PAC)
This webpage provides access to KSDE fact sheets, policies and guidelines for secondary Career and Technical Education in Kansas. The fact sheet documents give a brief overview of facts related to such topics as Pathway Changes, CTE Funding, Personal Finance Literacy, and Professional Learning Experience.
A listing the contact information for all KSDE CTE Consultants.
This webpage contains links to all documents, User's Guides, PowerPoint Presentations and Forms necessary for completing new and/or maintenance Pathway applications, including information on Writing Pathway Improvement Plans utilizing SMART Goals.
This webpage contains information about, and links to all of the current Statewide Articulation Agreements, as well as, a link to the “Creating an Articulation Agreement” Guidance Document. Information about Excel in CTE (Formerly SB 155) and related documents can be found on this webpage.
This webpage contains information and links to documents that assist schools in designing professional leaning experiences for students enrolled in CTE Pathway courses.
CTE Quick Links:
CTE Main Page CTE Table of Contents Page CTE Listserv Sign-up Kansas Civil Rights Authenticated Applications
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Natalie D. Clark Assistant Director (785) 296-4351
KSDE Secondary-Level CTE Contacts
Deputy Commissioner: Division of Learning Services
Dr. Ben Proctor (785) 296-2303
Director: Career, Standards and Assessment
Beth Fultz (785) 296-4639
Assistant Director: Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Natalie D. Clark (785) 296-4351
Assistant Director: Curricular Standards
Assistant Director: Assessment
Julie Ewing (785) 296-2325
Assistant Director: Kansas Volunteer Commission
Dr. Jessica Dorsey (785) 296-3163
The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. (more information...)
To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at or by 785-296-3201.