KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

HirePaths releases 15th episode of Cool Careers video series

HirePaths releases 15th episode of Cool Careers video series

The 15th episode of HirePaths’ Cool Careers video series just dropped. 

Made for kids, each video is hosted by a local child and highlights a fun, in-demand career in Kansas. 

In the latest episode, viewers discover what an agronomist is and why the job is so important. Cool Careers correspondent Sapphire follows Brandon, an agronomist at Crop Quest, who helps keep crops happy and healthy. 

From catching pesky bugs to collecting soil samples, join the fun and watch as Sapphire digs into this exciting career. 

Watch at https://hirepaths.com/cool-careers-videos/episode-15-agronomist

Access the entire series at Cool Careers Videos | HirePaths

Posted: Sep 14, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush

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