Kansans Can School Redesign Project stages webheader


What is Kansans Can School Redesign? 


All of the work done in Kansans Can Redesign is to be rooted in our Four Redesign Principles:

  1. Student Success Skills
  2. Real-World Application
  3. Family/Business/Community Partnerships
  4. Personalized Learning

In Redesign, we utilize the process of Design Thinking in conjunction with The Four Disciplines of Execution (McChesney, Covey, and Huling, 2012).

Lastly, in order to be effective, you must have the proper conditions: Shared Leadership and Collaborative Culture.

If you are a new Redesign Leader, we encourage you to watch the recording from our 'New Leader Bootcamp' on July 27, 2021. 

Kansans Can Redesign works to support the Kansas Vision for Education. Learn more by reading the Redesign Project Plan

Redesigning All Schools Across the State of Kansas -



Student Success Skills: There is an integrated approach to develop student social-emotional learning. 

Student Success Skills Overview -


Family, Business, and Community Partnerships: Partnerships are based on mutually beneficial relationships and collaboration. 

Virtual Family Engagement -

Family Engagement with Jane Groff and Tammy Mitchell -

Real World Application: ​Project-based learning, internships, and civic engagement makes learning relevant. 

Making them ALL Beg for More! (ESSDACK) -

Personalized Learning: Personalized learning places the whole child at the center of instruction. It is informed by strong educator/student/family/community relationships to provide equity and choice in time, place, path, pace, and demonstration of learning. 

View the complete Personalized Learning Definition document and Infographic

Kansans Can Personalize Learning -

Equity and Choice in Personalized Learning


Design Thinking & The 4 Disciplines of Execution: 

4DX and Design Thinking -

Using 4DX to Create a Culture of Change -

What can you expect from Regional trainings? Watch this video to see Regional Workshops in action!


Collaborative Culture: 

Creating a Culture for Change- The Conditions -

Crisis and Considerations with Julia Fabris McBride -

Shared Leadership: 

Teacher Leadership Competencies -

Building and District Leadership (featuring McPherson USD 418) -

How do you get ready to Redesign? Watch this video to learn more!

Redesign In Action

Telling Your Redesign Story

Featuring: Neodesha USD 461

Go for Lauch

Featuring: Wiley Elementary, Hutchinson USD 308

Featuring: Hutchinson STEM Magnet at Allen

Outdoor Learning

Featuring: Bentley Primary, Halstead-Bentley USD 440

School Redesign Documents

DownloadFact Sheet: Kansans Can Personalized LearningFact Sheet: Personalized learning places the whole child at the center of instruction. It is informed by strong relationships between educators/ students/ family members/ community relationships to provide equity and choice in time, place, path and demo
DownloadKansans Can Personalize Learning: Research Base 
DownloadPlan Year Timeline What to ExpectInfographic timeline for the phases of the project year.
DownloadPersonalized Learning Infographic Infographic
DownloadRedesign Launch Readiness RubricThis is the rubric that was revised and utilized for our final Apollo III cohort. It is the most comprehensive and best represents what we want schools to get out of the Redesign Plan Year.
DownloadLaunch Year Project TimelineInfographic timeline.
DownloadAscent Year Timeline Infographic explaining what to expect during the ascent year as a redesign school.
DownloadRedesign Success RubricThis rubric is a self-assessment for Redesign schools that can be used to evaluate their current performance level as measured against the six Redesign Competencies.
DownloadRedesign Strategy ReportThis document is meant to help schools have objective conversations about the strategies that they have tested and/or want to test. Directions for use are on page 3.
DownloadRedesign Leadership Competencies 
DownloadRedesign School Coaching Support Plan This project plan outlines the support for Redesign Schools for the 2020-2021 school year.
DownloadRedesign Mentoring Program: Project Plan  
DownloadLift Off: How Kansas is Redesigning its Schools for TomorrowKSDE Report from March 2020
DownloadKansans Can School Redesign Project Technical Assistance for Redesign SchoolsKansans Can School Redesign Project Technical Assistance for Redesign Schools
DownloadRedesign Reunion Tour Summary (Summer 2021)At the end of the 2020-2021 school year, Mercury and Gemini I schools were visited to reflect on successes and challenges of the last year, and the role Redesign played in navigating those. This is a summary of their feedback.
DownloadKansans Can School Redesign BookletKansans Can School Redesign Booklet
DownloadKansan Can School Redesign Districts InfographicMap of all the participating USDs and a list of all the schools participating in the Kansans Can School Redesign Project.
DownloadRedesign Communication PlanThis document is meant to help you and your team draft a comprehensive communication plan for your school improvement work.
DownloadRedesign Business & Community Action PlanThis document is meant to help your team consider your opportunities to collaborate with business and community sponsors in your area.

Redesign/KESA Connection Videos

Redesign & Non-KESA Accreditation- Conversation with Ottawa’s Ryan Cobbs

Streamlining your KansaStar and Redesign Paperwork- Jean Rush, Tammy Mitchell, and Sarah Perryman 

Aligning your Improvement Plans- Conversation with Cedar Vale’s Jackie Burdette​

Setting Goals in Redesign and KESA- Jay Scott, Myron Melton, Mischel Miller, and Jeannette Nobo



Kansans can School Redesign Project logo

Questions about this page contact:

Director of Accreditation and Design
Jay Scott

Assistant Director 
Myron Melton

Accreditation Email

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