In the summer of 2022, the Accreditation and Design Team piloted a 'System Check-In' that focused on giving each system the chance to receive feedback on their continuous improvement work. This check-in also gave KSDE an opportunity to provide direct support and feedback to systems. After successful feedback from that pilot, the Accreditation and Design Team is expanding to allow for increased opportunties for direct support and feedabck to systems on an annual basis.
Beginning in the 2023/2024 school year, the KESA Team will be launching a Regional Model of Support (see: Regional Map) in order to implement the KSDE KESA Check-In annually, for each system. During these annual meetings, your KESA Regional Executive will focus on two key areas of accreditation: Process and Outcomes.
The fact sheet on the right outlines what you can expect to review during these annual meetings. These meetings will take place beginning in the spring of 2024, but Regional Executives will start scheduling those meetings in early fall 2023.
Systems should spend first quarter of 2023 working to answer the following questions:
*As 2023/2024 is serving as a bridge year to the enhanced KESA Framework coming in the 2024/2025 school year, 2021/2022 guidance document is being removed. An updated guidance document for the Leraning Year (2023/2024) will be rolled out alongside the August 10, 2023 KESA kickoff.*
This section is intended to support system leaders in working through the KESA process. This section is intended to provide training and support materials that system leaders can use to lead their system and building level teams through the growth process needed in order to successfully complete the KESA requirements.
Description - A needs assessment starts with a vision and end goal(s) in mind, and it attempts to align the needs based on data and stakeholder perceptions. A needs assessment changes systems by determining underlying root causes that prevent improvement. This process helps a system identify challenges and areas needing improvement. It is the identification of gaps that exist between the status of a system and its vision. For KESA, the needs assessment process is twofold: building-level and system-level. The needs assessments should be designed to collect data for all the initiatives within the organization. (Taken from KESA Guidance Document)
Note, the needs assessment process at the system level should include the evaluation of each buildings’ needs assessment completed at the request of the State Legislature. The process used by each building to determine the needs of the building should be used to inform the completion of Legislated Building Needs Assessment. Completion of the Legislated Building Needs Assessment is the product of the needs assessment work happening at the building level.
1. Gather Quantitative & Qualitative Data
Note: The handout linked below provides a robust list of data sources that schools/systems should consider gathering and reviewing as part of the Data Analysis Phase. In addition to the data sources provided, schools/systems should also consider using the Foundational Structures Rubrics and the STAR Recognition Rubrics as a means for determining your current state. Establishing your current state will be done in step 2: Analyze Your Data.
2. Analyze Your Data
3. Prioritize Data Points
4. Compare - Perception vs Reality
Note: In order to gather perception data from internal and external stakeholders, systems can utilize past perception surveys shared by the KSDE. In addition to this past perception survey, the Accreditation and Design Team has also worked to create a 'Componenet Baseline Analysis' tied to the KESA Framework. Information about the CBA can be found in detail on the Perception Surveys page.
5. Root Cause Analysis
Description - The system uses the needs assessment information gathered in phase 1 to define and prioritize needs and develop system-level and building-level goals. Although KESA does not require a specific format for action planning, it does require the following components to be included in the action steps for an improvement plan: needs assessment data collection and analysis; measurable goal(s); success criteria; interventions/strategies; timelines/action steps; resources; professional learning plan; implementation fidelity; and accountability measures. (Taken from KESA Guidance Document)
1. Data Analysis → Goal Writing Template
2. Gap Analysis of District Goals
3. Create Aligned Building Goals
Description - This phase of the continuous improvement model is about implementing the approved improvement plan; utilizing and assessing formative and summative assessments, and reviewing the data to determine the effect of the evidence-based strategy/intervention on the goal(s). This phase includes a continuous review of the work to determine what is working and what needs to change. (Taken from KESA Guidance Document)
1. Complete a Strategy Inventory
2. Evaluate System Processes for Strategy Selection
3. Evaluate Current Strategies for Impact/Fidelity
Description - During the implementation phase, there are constant feedback loops involving all stakeholders, both internally and externally. A feedback loop is a process in which the outputs of a system are circled back and used as inputs. The KESA accreditation process requires regular analysis and review of its strategies/interventions. These feedback loops are used to determine if any changes are needed within the school improvement process. No school improvement process should be implemented without continuous assessment of the intervention strategies. (Taken from the KESA Guidance Document)
Description - This phase is the cumulative product of the alignment between the needs assessment, goals, implementation, analysis of data, and evaluation of results. As a continuous growth process, the results become a bridge to the next phase of data analysis and goal setting. Systems reflect on their comprehensive needs assessment data to determine what has improved, maintained, or declined so appropriate actions can be taken. The results become part of the potential comprehensive needs assessment as data is utilized to determine goals. (Taken from the KESA Guidance Document)
1. Ensure Strategies are 'High Impact'
2. Evaluate Vision, Goal, Strategy Alignment
3. Establish QFIC (Quality, Fidelity, Intensity, Consistency)
4. Create a Compelling Scoreboard
5. Establish a Cadence of Accountability
Director of Accreditation and Design Jay Scott 785-296-6818
Assistant Director Myron Melton 785-296-8110
West Regional Executive Amber Miller 620-765-7490
Central Regional Executive Mindy Bruce East Regional Executive Jean Rush 785-296-7884
Administrative Specialist Rue Huereca-Retana 785-296-3379
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