Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2024


Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

Special Revenue State Aid

2000‑2408 002408 2023 CIF‑ Children's Cabinet ‑ CIF Grants

V2400105 07/13/2023 0009476102 551600 277,961.51 Total Account by Grant Year 277,961.51 0.00

2000‑2408 002408 2024 CIF‑ Children's Cabinet ‑ CIF Grants

V2400647 08/14/2023 0009507304 551600 136,968.00 V2401025 09/12/2023 0009535874 551600 192,828.45 V2401472 10/11/2023 0009568798 551600 260,634.23 V2402117 11/14/2023 0009603164 551600 210,675.26 V2402661 12/13/2023 0009634207 551600 173,276.90 V2403199 01/23/2024 0009669810 551600 227,527.04 V2403520 02/14/2024 0009694090 551600 177,158.00 V2403949 03/12/2024 0009723758 551600 207,191.88 V2404509 04/12/2024 0009758120 551600 257,653.78 V2405079 05/14/2024 0009793502 551600 201,897.78 V2405488 06/05/2024 0009818189 551600 199,434.40 Total Account by Grant Year 2,245,245.72 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 2,523,207.23 0.00

2000‑2535 002535 2024 CIF‑Pre‑ K‑ Pilot

V24P0109 08/22/2023 0009514828 551600 32,010.00 V24P0300 11/09/2023 0009599886 551600 32,010.00 V24P0436 02/12/2024 0009691514 551600 32,010.00 V24P0619 05/22/2024 0009803812 551600 32,011.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 128,041.00 0.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 2,651,248.23 0.00

Federal Aid

3233‑3040 003040 4900 2022 COVID‑19 Coronavirus S425V210046 21E CFDA 84.425V

V24F0193 07/17/2023 0009478600 550600 37,920.00 V24F0366 08/07/2023 0009500937 550600 124,727.00 V24F0554 09/05/2023 0009529581 550600 2,834.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 165,481.00 0.00

3323‑0531 000531 2024 TANF‑ Early Learning Kansans (from DCF) 93.558 93.558 CFDA 93.558

V24P0221 10/24/2023 0009579017 550600 20,246.00 V24P0357 01/22/2024 0009670448 550600 31,869.00 V24P0540 04/22/2024 0009766888 550600 29,295.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 81,410.00 0.00

3592‑3070 S00422 2024 KVC ‑ AmeriCorps Fixed Amount Grant 20FXHKS001 CFDA 94.006

V24F0193 07/17/2023 0009478600 550600 69,026.00 V24F0802 10/02/2023 0009557376 550600 59,865.00 Total Account 128,891.00 0.00

3592‑3070 S00720 2024 Volunteer Generation‑ FY 2021 20VGHKS001 CFDA 94.021

S2400181 10/26/2023 N/A 550600 -228.00 V24F0193 07/17/2023 0009478600 550600 3,470.00 V24F0366 08/07/2023 0009500937 550600 2,256.00 V24F0554 09/05/2023 0009529581 550600 4,298.00 V24F0554 09/05/2023 0009529581 550600 2,900.00 V24F0802 10/02/2023 0009557376 550600 2,048.00 V24F1040 11/06/2023 0009599807 550600 2,643.00 V24F1302 12/04/2023 0009623225 550600 977.00 Total Account 18,592.00 -228.00

3592‑3070 S01007 2024 KVC ‑ AmeriCorps Formula Cost Reimbursement Grant 21AFEKS001 CFDA 94.006

V24F1302 12/04/2023 0009623225 550600 1,110.00 V24F1569 01/08/2024 0009656718 550600 8,684.00 V24F1817 02/05/2024 0009685259 550600 17,226.00 V24F2079 03/04/2024 0009714574 550600 10,810.00 V24F2343 04/03/2024 0009748577 550600 11,841.00 V24F2609 05/06/2024 0009784555 550600 15,730.00 V24F2894 06/03/2024 0009818472 550600 15,896.00 Total Account 81,297.00 0.00

3592‑3070 S01020 2024 KVC ‑ Commission Administration FY22 22CAEKS001 CFDA 94.003

V24F2079 03/04/2024 0009714574 550600 2,000.00 Total Account 2,000.00 0.00

3592‑3070 S01068 2024 KVC ‑ Volunteer Generation‑ FY 2023 23VGEKS001 CFDA 94.021

V24F2341 04/01/2024 0009745700 550600 528.00 V24F2609 05/06/2024 0009784555 550600 5,125.00 V24F2894 06/03/2024 0009818472 550600 2,294.00 Total Account 7,947.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 238,727.00 -228.00 Total Federal Aid 485,618.00 -228.00 Total Aid 3,136,866.23 -228.00 Notes to the Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 550000s or 770000s (i.e. 551100 or 773100) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 7/2/2024
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