Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2024


Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000‑0320 000320 2024 Food Service Aid

V24N1280 09/12/2023 0000242840 551700 14.68 V24N1889 10/10/2023 0000243904 551700 20.72 V24N3184 12/05/2023 0000246498 551700 18.76 V24N3184 12/05/2023 0000246498 551700 15.40 V24N4417 01/23/2024 0000247905 551700 14.12 V24N5059 02/26/2024 0000249246 551700 8.28 V24N5729 03/12/2024 0000249896 551700 17.48 V24N7394 05/07/2024 0000252504 551700 13.00 V24N8359 06/10/2024 0000254053 551700 11.04 V24N8359 06/10/2024 0000254053 551700 22.04 V24N8930 06/11/2024 0000254128 551700 50.36 Total State Aid 205.88 0.00

Federal Aid

3056‑3200 V01010 2024 KDHE K‑12 COVID Testing Grant ‑ from KDHE ‑ 93.323

V24V0427 01/11/2024 0000247906 773100 34,004.00 V24V0572 04/11/2024 0000251256 773100 6,717.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 40,721.00 0.00

3230‑3020 R00519 2021 Team Nutrition Training‑School Meal Recipe Dev (FY21) FOOD CFDA 10.574

V2401119 09/15/2023 0000242839 526900 150.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 150.00 0.00

3233‑3040 003040 4502 2021 ESSER II COVID‑19 Coronavirus ‑ KSSD/KSSB S425D210002 21E CFDA 84.425D

J2240068 12/06/2023 N/A 773100 -173,986.26 Total Account by Grant Year -173,986.26 0.00

3233‑3040 003040 4502 2022 ESSER III COVID‑19 Coronavirus ‑ KSSD/KSSB S425U210002 22E CFDA 84.425U

J2240068 12/06/2023 N/A 773100 173,986.26 Total Account by Grant Year 173,986.26 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 0.00 0.00

3234‑3050 003050 1000 2024 EHC Flo‑Thru H027A230031 23E CFDA 84.027A

V24F2058 03/04/2024 0000249625 773100 29,506.00 Total Account 29,506.00 0.00

3234‑3050 003050 5000 2024 EHC Flo‑Thru Disc H027A230031 23E CFDA 84.027A

V24F2058 03/04/2024 0000249625 773100 6,300.00 Total Account 6,300.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 35,806.00 0.00

3527‑3870 5000 U00310 2023 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA)‑Disc‑Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) S367A220015 22E CFDA 84.367A

V2405442 06/04/2024 0000253758 527990 1,928.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,928.00 0.00

3529‑3490 003490 9904 2023 School Breakfast 10.553 CFDA 10.553

V24N0022 07/11/2023 0000240539 773100 2,581.89 V24N1280 09/12/2023 0000242840 773100 100.70 V24N1889 10/10/2023 0000243904 773100 369.28 Total Account by Grant Year 3,051.87 0.00

3529‑3490 003490 9904 2024 School Breakfast 10.553 CFDA 10.553

V24N3184 12/05/2023 0000246498 773100 384.86 V24N3184 12/05/2023 0000246498 773100 334.16 V24N4417 01/23/2024 0000247905 773100 269.04 V24N5059 02/26/2024 0000249246 773100 129.20 V24N5729 03/12/2024 0000249896 773100 338.20 V24N7394 05/07/2024 0000252504 773100 240.54 V24N8359 06/10/2024 0000254053 773100 202.92 V24N8359 06/10/2024 0000254053 773100 362.90 Total Account by Grant Year 2,261.82 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 5,313.69 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9902 2023 Section 4 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V24N0022 07/11/2023 0000240539 773100 3,748.50 V24N1280 09/12/2023 0000242840 773100 372.51 V24N1889 10/10/2023 0000243904 773100 662.69 Total Account by Grant Year 4,783.70 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9902 2024 Section 4 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V24N3184 12/05/2023 0000246498 773100 753.07 V24N3184 12/05/2023 0000246498 773100 601.90 V24N4417 01/23/2024 0000247905 773100 558.29 V24N5059 02/26/2024 0000249246 773100 322.66 V24N5729 03/12/2024 0000249896 773100 683.31 V24N7394 05/07/2024 0000252504 773100 510.20 V24N8359 06/10/2024 0000254053 773100 413.53 V24N8359 06/10/2024 0000254053 773100 834.28 Total Account by Grant Year 4,677.24 0.00 Total Account 9,460.94 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9911 2023 NSLP Supply Chain Assistance 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V24N5447 03/11/2024 0000249895 773100 5,683.85 V24N7156 04/23/2024 0000251957 773100 12.93 Total Account 5,696.78 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9912 2023 Cash for Commodities 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V24N0022 07/11/2023 0000240539 773100 255.00 V24N1280 09/12/2023 0000242840 773100 108.27 V24N1889 10/10/2023 0000243904 773100 152.81 Total Account by Grant Year 516.08 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9912 2024 Cash for Commodities 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V24N3184 12/05/2023 0000246498 773100 138.36 V24N3184 12/05/2023 0000246498 773100 113.58 V24N4417 01/23/2024 0000247905 773100 104.14 V24N5059 02/26/2024 0000249246 773100 61.07 V24N5729 03/12/2024 0000249896 773100 128.92 V24N7394 05/07/2024 0000252504 773100 95.88 V24N8359 06/10/2024 0000254053 773100 162.55 V24N8359 06/10/2024 0000254053 773100 81.42 Total Account by Grant Year 885.92 0.00 Total Account 1,402.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 16,559.72 0.00

3534‑3540 5000 T00402 2023 Title VI ‑ Part B IDEA ‑ Discretionary H027A220031 22E CFDA 84.027A

V2400480 08/03/2023 0000241553 527990 22,324.51 V2400481 08/03/2023 0000241554 527990 5,620.50 V2401607 10/17/2023 0000244192 527990 62,332.69 V2401608 10/17/2023 0000244193 527990 76,413.96 Total Account by Grant Year 166,691.66 0.00

3534‑3540 5000 T00402 2024 Title VI ‑ Part B IDEA ‑ Discretionary H027A230031 23E CFDA 84.027A

V2403341 02/02/2024 0000248353 527990 9,852.83 V2403342 02/02/2024 0000248354 527990 46,670.01 V2404434 04/09/2024 0000251192 527990 50,373.91 V2404435 04/09/2024 0000251193 527990 31,483.70 V2405675 06/12/2024 0000254214 527990 17,133.38 V2405676 06/12/2024 0000254215 527990 53,057.20 Total Account by Grant Year 208,571.03 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 375,262.69 0.00 Total Federal Aid 475,741.10 0.00 Total Aid 475,946.98 0.00 Notes to the Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 550000s or 770000s (i.e. 551100 or 773100) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 7/2/2024
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