Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2024


Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000‑0053 I00128 2024 State Accreditation & School Design ‑ SGF

V2402413 11/28/2023 0009618328 526900 110.00 V2402414 11/28/2023 0009618329 526900 110.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 220.00 0.00

1000‑0110 000110 2024 KPERS Employer Contributions‑USDs

V24K0229 07/12/2023 0009475134 551400 208,095.44 V24K0515 10/11/2023 0009567538 551400 160,305.05 V24K0801 01/10/2024 0009660057 551400 205,169.14 V24K1087 04/10/2024 0009755558 551400 196,120.12 Total Fund Budget Unit 769,689.75 0.00

1000‑0150 000150 2024 Mental Health Intervention Team Pilot

V24H0095 09/27/2023 0009554121 551100 3,691.00 V24H0166 10/11/2023 0009567295 551100 3,812.00 V24H0240 10/27/2023 0009583059 551100 3,886.00 V24H0314 11/28/2023 0009618675 551100 3,791.00 V24H0386 12/27/2023 0009649856 551100 3,788.00 V24H0463 01/10/2024 0009659812 551100 3,812.00 V24H0542 01/29/2024 0009681118 551100 3,785.00 V24H0621 03/12/2024 0009723824 551100 3,812.00 V24H0698 02/27/2024 0009709676 551100 3,791.00 V24H0774 03/27/2024 0009742746 551100 3,785.00 V24H0925 05/10/2024 0009790698 551100 3,812.00 V24H1005 05/29/2024 0009810906 551100 14,420.00 V24H1024 06/07/2024 0009821404 551100 4,440.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 60,625.00 0.00

1000‑0190 000190 2024 CTE Transportation

V24E0100 06/12/2024 0009827238 551100 10,953.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 10,953.00 0.00

1000‑0235 000235 2024 School safety and security grants

V24A0149 07/17/2023 0009478379 551100 10,207.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 10,207.00 0.00

1000‑0320 000320 2024 Food Service Aid

V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 551100 374.84 V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 551100 361.24 V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 551100 201.00 V24N3844 12/19/2023 0009639391 551100 364.36 V24N4366 01/23/2024 0009670284 551100 213.60 V24N5003 02/26/2024 0009703139 551100 292.80 V24N6165 04/02/2024 0009747529 551100 330.80 V24N6697 04/16/2024 0009761422 551100 277.24 V24N8142 06/04/2024 0009816795 551100 354.24 V24N8337 06/10/2024 0009823151 551100 170.44 V24N8869 06/11/2024 0009825821 551100 952.18 Total Fund Budget Unit 3,892.74 0.00

1000‑0700 000700 2024 Special Education Services Aid

V24S0229 10/11/2023 0009567824 551100 134,806.00 V24S0519 12/12/2023 0009633145 551100 136,293.00 V24S0805 03/12/2024 0009724464 551100 79,618.00 V24S1095 04/10/2024 0009755844 551100 90,325.00 V24S1385 05/29/2024 0009811150 551100 144,927.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 585,969.00 0.00

1000‑0820 000820 2024 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V2450229 07/10/2023 0009471939 551100 357,901.00 V2450515 07/24/2023 0009484607 551100 357,901.00 V2450801 08/29/2023 0009524508 551100 517,162.00 V2451087 09/27/2023 0009554010 551100 581,897.00 V2451373 10/27/2023 0009582942 551100 526,653.00 V2451659 11/28/2023 0009618558 551100 542,166.00 V2451945 12/27/2023 0009649734 551100 529,102.00 V2452515 02/27/2024 0009709548 551100 459,632.00 V2452801 03/27/2024 0009742626 551100 454,908.00 V2453085 04/26/2024 0009776363 551100 364,483.00 V2453369 06/17/2024 0009833714 551100 1,037,829.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 5,729,634.00 0.00

1000‑0840 000840 2024 Supplemental State Aid (LOB)

V24L0184 09/27/2023 0009554316 551100 655,562.00 V24L0416 01/29/2024 0009681317 551100 677,762.00 V24L0648 06/17/2024 0009833955 551100 345,976.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,679,300.00 0.00

1000‑0860 000860 2024 Professional Development Aid

V24D0207 06/14/2024 0009831179 551100 1,687.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,687.00 0.00

1000‑0880 000880 2024 School District Capital Outlay

V24O0148 02/26/2024 0009703400 551100 215,649.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 215,649.00 0.00 Total State Aid 9,067,826.49 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2538‑2030 002030 2024 State Safety

V24T0192 11/28/2023 0009618880 551100 5,800.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 5,800.00 0.00

Federal Aid

3056‑3200 V01010 2024 KDHE K‑12 COVID Testing Grant ‑ from KDHE ‑ 93.323

V24V0115 08/11/2023 0009507364 550100 342,007.38 V24V0251 10/12/2023 0009568889 550100 1,625.00 V24V0393 01/11/2024 0009661193 550100 1,051.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 344,683.38 0.00

3113‑3113 003113 2023 ESSA‑StudSpprt Academic Enrich FloThru S424A220017 22E CFDA 84.424A

V24F0973 11/06/2023 0009599748 550100 2,475.00 Total Account by Grant Year 2,475.00 0.00

3113‑3113 003113 2024 ESSA‑StudSpprt Academic Enrich FloThru S424A230017 23E CFDA 84.424A

V24F1223 12/04/2023 0009623157 550100 1,239.00 V24F1485 01/08/2024 0009656648 550100 1,236.00 V24F1992 03/04/2024 0009714507 550100 1,239.00 V24F2259 04/01/2024 0009745631 550100 1,710.00 V24F2808 06/03/2024 0009818395 550100 19,221.00 Total Account by Grant Year 24,645.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 27,120.00 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9918 2023 Local Food for Schools (LFS) Cooperative 10.185 CFDA 10.185

V24N0423 07/17/2023 0009478766 550100 3,712.94 V24N2803 11/20/2023 0009608726 550100 1,501.08 Total Account 5,214.02 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9923 2023 SFS ‑ Food 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V24N0556 07/18/2023 0009480326 550100 3,050.58 V24N0556 07/18/2023 0009480326 550100 16,273.33 V24N0977 08/22/2023 0009514697 550100 264.32 V24N1142 09/12/2023 0009535894 550100 13,416.50 V24N1587 09/26/2023 0009547945 550100 1,454.94 Total Account 34,459.67 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9925 2023 SFS ‑ Sponsor Admin 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V24N0556 07/18/2023 0009480326 550100 1,682.85 V24N0556 07/18/2023 0009480326 550100 317.67 V24N0977 08/22/2023 0009514697 550100 27.73 V24N1142 09/12/2023 0009535894 550100 1,385.75 V24N1587 09/26/2023 0009547945 550100 149.51 Total Account 3,563.51 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9926 2023 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables 10.582 CFDA 10.582

V24N2946 11/27/2023 0009611957 550100 3,104.40 V24N2946 11/27/2023 0009611957 550100 1,316.90 V24N3579 12/12/2023 0009632827 550100 432.14 Total Account by Grant Year 4,853.44 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9926 2024 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables 10.582 CFDA 10.582

V24N3723 12/19/2023 0009639278 550100 3,545.18 V24N3915 01/23/2024 0009669855 550100 3,447.36 V24N4778 02/26/2024 0009702915 550100 1,184.76 V24N6056 03/26/2024 0009736315 550100 3,792.07 V24N6056 03/26/2024 0009736315 550100 3,426.99 V24N6770 04/23/2024 0009768536 550100 3,192.73 V24N7922 05/28/2024 0009805563 550100 3,556.99 V24N8452 06/10/2024 0009823241 550100 1,166.09 Total Account by Grant Year 23,312.17 0.00 Total Account 28,165.61 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9988 2023 SFS ‑ CFC 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V24N0556 07/18/2023 0009480326 550100 11.25 V24N0556 07/18/2023 0009480326 550100 65.16 V24N0977 08/22/2023 0009514697 550100 0.89 V24N1142 09/12/2023 0009535894 550100 54.45 V24N1587 09/26/2023 0009547945 550100 6.24 Total Account 137.99 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 71,540.80 0.00

3233‑3040 003040 4100 2022 ESSER III COVID‑19 Coronavirus ‑ FT S425U210002 22E CFDA 84.425U

V24F0131 07/17/2023 0009478549 550100 25,353.00 V24F0499 09/05/2023 0009529534 550100 148,616.00 V24F0973 11/06/2023 0009599748 550100 26,307.00 V24F1992 03/04/2024 0009714507 550100 122,684.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 322,960.00 0.00

3526‑3860 003860 2023 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA) S367A220015 22E CFDA 84.367A

V24F0973 11/06/2023 0009599748 550100 2,897.00 Total Account by Grant Year 2,897.00 0.00

3526‑3860 003860 2024 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA) S367A230015 23E CFDA 84.367A

V24F1223 12/04/2023 0009623157 550100 2,832.00 V24F1485 01/08/2024 0009656648 550100 2,831.00 V24F1992 03/04/2024 0009714507 550100 2,838.00 V24F2259 04/01/2024 0009745631 550100 12,999.00 V24F2808 06/03/2024 0009818395 550100 9,008.00 Total Account by Grant Year 30,508.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 33,405.00 0.00

3529‑3490 003490 9904 2023 School Breakfast 10.553 CFDA 10.553

V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 550100 12,738.59 V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 550100 6,160.52 Total Account by Grant Year 18,899.11 0.00

3529‑3490 003490 9904 2024 School Breakfast 10.553 CFDA 10.553

V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 550100 13,376.78 V24N3844 12/19/2023 0009639391 550100 12,880.99 V24N4366 01/23/2024 0009670284 550100 7,165.10 V24N5003 02/26/2024 0009703139 550100 9,735.07 V24N6165 04/02/2024 0009747529 550100 11,698.93 V24N6697 04/16/2024 0009761422 550100 9,633.11 V24N8142 06/04/2024 0009816795 550100 12,688.69 V24N8337 06/10/2024 0009823151 550100 6,249.68 Total Account by Grant Year 83,428.35 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 102,327.46 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9902 2023 Section 4 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 550100 30,318.95 V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 550100 16,128.90 Total Account by Grant Year 46,447.85 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9902 2024 Section 4 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 550100 31,022.40 V24N3844 12/19/2023 0009639391 550100 30,195.15 V24N4366 01/23/2024 0009670284 550100 17,598.25 V24N5003 02/26/2024 0009703139 550100 24,414.95 V24N6165 04/02/2024 0009747529 550100 27,744.80 V24N6697 04/16/2024 0009761422 550100 23,127.25 V24N8142 06/04/2024 0009816795 550100 29,665.35 V24N8337 06/10/2024 0009823151 550100 14,272.00 Total Account by Grant Year 198,040.15 0.00 Total Account 244,488.00 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9911 2023 NSLP Supply Chain Assistance 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V24N5389 03/11/2024 0009721376 550100 19,702.82 V24N7098 04/23/2024 0009768857 550100 278.04 Total Account 19,980.86 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9912 2023 Cash for Commodities 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 550100 2,664.15 V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 550100 1,482.38 Total Account by Grant Year 4,146.53 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9912 2024 Cash for Commodities 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V24N2362 11/07/2023 0009596811 550100 2,764.45 V24N3844 12/19/2023 0009639391 550100 2,687.16 V24N4366 01/23/2024 0009670284 550100 1,575.30 V24N5003 02/26/2024 0009703139 550100 2,159.40 V24N6165 04/02/2024 0009747529 550100 2,439.65 V24N6697 04/16/2024 0009761422 550100 2,044.65 V24N8142 06/04/2024 0009816795 550100 2,612.52 V24N8337 06/10/2024 0009823151 550100 1,257.00 Total Account by Grant Year 17,540.13 0.00 Total Account 21,686.66 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 286,155.52 0.00

3532‑3520 003520 2023 Title I  Low Income S010A220016 22E CFDA 84.010A

V24F0973 11/06/2023 0009599748 550100 35,106.00 Total Account by Grant Year 35,106.00 0.00

3532‑3520 003520 2024 Title I  Low Income S010A230016 23E CFDA 84.010A

V24F1223 12/04/2023 0009623157 550100 21,989.00 V24F1485 01/08/2024 0009656648 550100 23,418.00 V24F1992 03/04/2024 0009714507 550100 22,559.00 V24F2259 04/01/2024 0009745631 550100 95,854.00 V24F2808 06/03/2024 0009818395 550100 96,586.00 Total Account by Grant Year 260,406.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 295,512.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 1,483,704.16 0.00

Other State Aid from 7000

7005‑7005 007005 2024 USD Contribution Checkoff Fund

V24A0417 02/12/2024 0009691378 559900 57.08 Total Fund Budget Unit 57.08 0.00

7393‑7010 007010 2024 School District 20‑Mill Levy

V2452230 01/29/2024 0009680918 551100 664,819.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 664,819.00 0.00 Total Other State Aid from 7000 664,876.08 0.00 Total Aid 11,222,206.73 0.00 Notes to the Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 550000s or 770000s (i.e. 551100 or 773100) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 7/2/2024
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