Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2023

D0399 USD 399 PARADISE 0000047619

Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000‑0110 000110 2023 KPERS Employer Contributions‑USDs

V23K0189 07/12/2022 0009098465 551400 48,095.23 V23K0474 10/12/2022 0009190681 551400 27,829.26 V23K0758 01/11/2023 0009283842 551400 41,282.79 V23K1044 04/12/2023 0009380811 551400 40,670.16 Total Fund Budget Unit 157,877.44 0.00

1000‑0320 000320 2023 Food Service Aid

V23N1762 09/13/2022 0009159914 551100 36.84 V23N2322 10/11/2022 0009189197 551100 58.24 V23N3178 11/15/2022 0009226529 551100 64.36 V23N3943 12/20/2022 0009262928 551100 57.48 V23N5209 01/17/2023 0009287826 551100 40.52 V23N5707 02/07/2023 0009312175 551100 59.76 V23N6705 03/14/2023 0009350178 551100 52.08 V23N7683 05/02/2023 0009403804 551100 45.68 V23N8124 05/16/2023 0009416920 551100 49.80 V23N9062 06/12/2023 0009445168 551100 149.19 V23N9062 06/12/2023 0009445168 551100 37.56 Total Fund Budget Unit 651.51 0.00

1000‑0700 000700 2023 Special Education Services Aid

V23S0190 10/12/2022 0009190966 551100 33,010.00 V23S0479 12/12/2022 0009253761 551100 39,839.00 V23S0768 03/10/2023 0009346705 551100 22,612.00 V23S1058 04/12/2023 0009381097 551100 24,347.00 V23S1348 06/01/2023 0009434364 551100 34,548.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 154,356.00 0.00

1000‑0820 000820 2023 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V2350475 07/07/2022 0009094589 551100 69,062.00 V2350761 07/27/2022 0009116393 551100 95,224.00 V2351047 08/29/2022 0009145203 551100 97,336.00 V2351333 09/28/2022 0009177633 551100 110,492.00 V2351619 10/27/2022 0009209907 551100 113,303.00 V2351905 11/28/2022 0009240392 551100 114,668.00 V2352191 12/28/2022 0009272353 551100 111,938.00 V2352763 02/24/2023 0009333043 551100 93,308.00 V2353049 03/29/2023 0009367632 551100 94,373.00 V2353335 04/26/2023 0009397761 551100 75,614.00 V2353907 06/20/2023 0009456426 551100 112,076.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,087,394.00 0.00 Total State Aid 1,400,278.95 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2538‑2030 002030 2023 State Safety

V23T0193 02/10/2023 0009316076 551100 1,540.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 1,540.00 0.00

Federal Aid

3113‑3113 003113 2023 ESSA‑StudSpprt Academic Enrich FloThru S424A220017 22E CFDA 84.424A

V23F1164 12/05/2022 0009246970 550100 65.00 V23F1419 01/09/2023 0009280063 550100 985.00 V23F2497 05/01/2023 0009401880 550100 200.00 V23F2782 06/05/2023 0009436851 550100 10,841.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 12,091.00 0.00

3233‑3040 003040 4100 2022 ESSER III COVID‑19 Coronavirus ‑ FT S425U210002 22E CFDA 84.425U

V23F1419 01/09/2023 0009280063 550100 22,681.00 V23F1419 01/09/2023 0009280063 550100 21,881.00 V23F2497 05/01/2023 0009401880 550100 5,300.00 V23F2497 05/01/2023 0009401880 550100 43,554.00 V23F2782 06/05/2023 0009436851 550100 1,326.00 V23F2782 06/05/2023 0009436851 550100 5,497.00 Total Account 100,239.00 0.00

3233‑3040 003040 4900 2022 COVID‑19 Coronavirus S425V210046 21E CFDA 84.425V

V23F1419 01/09/2023 0009280063 550100 4,970.00 V23F2782 06/05/2023 0009436851 550100 11,030.00 Total Account 16,000.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 116,239.00 0.00

3526‑3860 003860 2023 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA) S367A220015 22E CFDA 84.367A

V23F1419 01/09/2023 0009280063 550100 2,417.00 V23F2497 05/01/2023 0009401880 550100 450.00 V23F2782 06/05/2023 0009436851 550100 1,829.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 4,696.00 0.00

3529‑3490 003490 9904 2022 School Breakfast 10.553 CFDA 10.553

V23N1762 09/13/2022 0009159914 550100 708.04 V23N2322 10/11/2022 0009189197 550100 1,132.65 Total Account by Grant Year 1,840.69 0.00

3529‑3490 003490 9904 2023 School Breakfast 10.553 CFDA 10.553

V23N3178 11/15/2022 0009226529 550100 1,281.80 V23N3943 12/20/2022 0009262928 550100 1,180.31 V23N5209 01/17/2023 0009287826 550100 763.24 V23N5707 02/07/2023 0009312175 550100 1,276.64 V23N6705 03/14/2023 0009350178 550100 1,120.69 V23N7683 05/02/2023 0009403804 550100 1,050.53 V23N8124 05/16/2023 0009416920 550100 1,179.64 V23N9062 06/12/2023 0009445168 550100 908.63 Total Account by Grant Year 8,761.48 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 10,602.17 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9902 2022 Section 4 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V23N1762 09/13/2022 0009159914 550100 2,926.07 V23N2322 10/11/2022 0009189197 550100 4,500.80 Total Account by Grant Year 7,426.87 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9902 2023 Section 4 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V23N3178 11/15/2022 0009226529 550100 4,988.19 V23N3943 12/20/2022 0009262928 550100 4,422.91 V23N5209 01/17/2023 0009287826 550100 3,070.55 V23N5707 02/07/2023 0009312175 550100 4,578.50 V23N6705 03/14/2023 0009350178 550100 3,932.90 V23N7683 05/02/2023 0009403804 550100 3,374.90 V23N8124 05/16/2023 0009416920 550100 3,660.67 V23N9062 06/12/2023 0009445168 550100 2,805.61 Total Account by Grant Year 30,834.23 0.00 Total Account 38,261.10 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9911 2022 NSLP Supply Chain Assistance 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V23N4318 12/27/2022 0009266574 550100 12,453.31 Total Account by Grant Year 12,453.31 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9911 2023 NSLP Supply Chain Assistance 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V23N4772 01/09/2023 0009280352 550100 44.52 Total Account by Grant Year 44.52 0.00 Total Account 12,497.83 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9912 2022 Cash for Commodities 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V23N1762 09/13/2022 0009159914 550100 276.30 V23N2322 10/11/2022 0009189197 550100 436.80 Total Account by Grant Year 713.10 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9912 2023 Cash for Commodities 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V23N3178 11/15/2022 0009226529 550100 482.70 V23N3943 12/20/2022 0009262928 550100 431.10 V23N5209 01/17/2023 0009287826 550100 303.90 V23N5707 02/07/2023 0009312175 550100 448.20 V23N6705 03/14/2023 0009350178 550100 390.60 V23N7683 05/02/2023 0009403804 550100 342.60 V23N8124 05/16/2023 0009416920 550100 373.50 V23N9062 06/12/2023 0009445168 550100 281.70 Total Account by Grant Year 3,054.30 0.00 Total Account 3,767.40 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9917 2022 Commodity Credit Corporation Supply Chain Assistance 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V23N0917 08/30/2022 0009147536 550100 5,279.80 V23N1498 09/12/2022 0009157811 550100 17.99 Total Account 5,297.79 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 59,824.12 0.00

3532‑3520 003520 2023 Title I  Low Income S010A220016 22E CFDA 84.010A

V23F1164 12/05/2022 0009246970 550100 10,948.00 V23F1419 01/09/2023 0009280063 550100 7,299.00 V23F2497 05/01/2023 0009401880 550100 14,699.00 V23F2782 06/05/2023 0009436851 550100 4,940.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 37,886.00 0.00

3592‑3070 S01036 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey(YRBS) ‑ Special Project FY22 NU87PS004319‑05 CFDA 93.079

V2302214 12/05/2022 0009246814 526900 150.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 150.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 241,488.29 0.00

Other State Aid from 7000

7005‑7005 007005 2023 USD Contribution Checkoff Fund

V23A0345 02/10/2023 0009315717 559900 66.47 Total Fund Budget Unit 66.47 0.00

7393‑7010 007010 2023 School District 20‑Mill Levy

V2352477 01/27/2023 0009302453 551100 135,321.00 V2353621 06/12/2023 0009444495 551100 104,860.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 240,181.00 0.00 Total Other State Aid from 7000 240,247.47 0.00 Total Aid 1,883,554.71 0.00 Notes to the Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 550000s or 770000s (i.e. 551100 or 773100) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 4/12/2024
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