Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2020


Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000‑0070 0070 2020 GSA‑ Kansas Reading Success

V20A0584 06/02/2020 0008420562 551100 4,247.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 4,247.00 0.00

1000‑0110 0110 2020 SGF‑KPERS Employer Contributions‑USDs

V20K0070 07/10/2019 0008126403 551100 328,999.42 V20K0356 10/09/2019 0008208661 551100 315,505.84 V20K0642 01/10/2020 0008294423 551100 377,482.54 V20K0928 04/10/2020 0008378522 551100 359,664.36 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,381,652.16 0.00

1000‑0130 0130 2020 Incentive for Technical Educ

V20I0042 06/18/2020 0008434561 551100 190.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 190.00 0.00

1000‑0320 0320 2020 Food Service Aid

V20N1389 10/01/2019 0008201360 551100 349.92 V20N1568 10/08/2019 0008207439 551100 538.80 V20N2384 11/12/2019 0008240914 551100 614.12 V20N3000 12/10/2019 0008267751 551100 506.64 V20N3590 01/07/2020 0008291486 551100 420.80 V20N4768 02/18/2020 0008330780 551100 546.76 V20N6300 04/21/2020 0008386374 551100 511.12 V20N7145 06/02/2020 0008420862 551100 738.40 V20N7308 06/09/2020 0008425520 551100 261.72 V20N7716 06/16/2020 0008432219 551100 2,233.25 Total Fund Budget Unit 6,721.53 0.00

1000‑0440 0440 2020 Mentor Teacher

V20M0053 06/10/2020 0008426925 551100 1,693.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,693.00 0.00

1000‑0700 0700 2020 Special Education Services Aid

V20S0070 10/09/2019 0008208947 551100 304,019.00 V20S0361 12/11/2019 0008269014 551100 283,954.00 V20S0652 03/11/2020 0008354042 551100 180,531.00 V20S0943 04/10/2020 0008378807 551100 213,445.00 V20S1234 05/27/2020 0008416220 551100 427,473.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,409,422.00 0.00

1000‑0820 0820 2020 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V2050355 07/03/2019 0008121395 551100 444,107.00 V2050641 07/29/2019 0008144205 551100 444,107.00 V2050927 08/28/2019 0008171162 551100 601,653.00 V2051213 09/26/2019 0008197564 551100 715,888.00 V2051499 10/29/2019 0008230129 551100 742,079.00 V2051785 11/26/2019 0008257256 551100 742,079.00 V2052071 12/27/2019 0008284937 551100 715,888.00 V2052642 02/27/2020 0008342172 551100 657,065.00 V2052927 03/27/2020 0008370466 551100 664,562.00 V2053212 04/28/2020 0008394774 551100 518,578.00 V2053782 06/23/2020 0008438363 551100 347,507.00 Total Account by Grant Year 6,593,513.00 0.00

1000‑0820 0820 2021 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V2150070 07/02/2020 0008446300 551100 410,554.00 Total Account by Grant Year 410,554.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 7,004,067.00 0.00

1000‑0840 0840 2020 Supplemental State Aid (LOB)

V20L0294 09/26/2019 0008197846 551100 881,631.00 V20L0526 01/29/2020 0008313230 551100 881,631.00 V20L0758 06/19/2020 0008436252 551100 255,533.00 Total Account by Grant Year 2,018,795.00 0.00

1000‑0840 0840 2021 Supplemental State Aid (LOB)

V21L0062 07/02/2020 0008446576 551100 156,466.00 Total Account by Grant Year 156,466.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 2,175,261.00 0.00

1000‑0880 0880 2020 School District Capital Outlay

V20O0048 02/11/2020 0008324504 551100 364,867.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 364,867.00 0.00 Total State Aid 12,348,120.69 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2000‑2510 2510 2020 CIF‑Parent Education Program

V20P0119 09/11/2019 0008181310 551100 17,445.00 V20P0555 03/11/2020 0008353928 551100 8,723.00 V20P0790 06/17/2020 0008433546 551100 6,274.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 32,442.00 0.00

2538‑2030 2030 2020 State Safety

V20T0057 02/11/2020 0008324796 551100 8,710.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 8,710.00 0.00

2880‑2880 2880 2020 School District Capital Improvement

V20C0006 07/03/2019 0008121617 551100 1,470,672.00 V20C0148 12/27/2019 0008285156 551100 158,641.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,629,313.00 0.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 1,670,465.00 0.00

Federal Aid

3113‑3113 3113 2019 ESSA‑StudSpprt Academic Enrich FloThru S424A180017 18E CFDA 84.424A

V20F0279 10/07/2019 0008205827 550100 14,813.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 14,813.00 0.00

3526‑3860 3860 2019 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA) S367A180015 18E CFDA 84.367A

V20F0279 10/07/2019 0008205827 550100 20,584.00 Total Account by Grant Year 20,584.00 0.00

3526‑3860 3860 2020 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA) S367A190015 19E CFDA 84.367A

V20F0766 12/09/2019 0008265489 550100 10,600.00 V20F1028 01/06/2020 0008289965 550100 5,960.00 Total Account by Grant Year 16,560.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 37,144.00 0.00

3529‑3490 3490 9904 2019 School Breakfast 10.553 CFDA 10.553

V20N1389 10/01/2019 0008201360 550100 169.54 V20N1389 10/01/2019 0008201360 550100 2,246.30 V20N1568 10/08/2019 0008207439 550100 290.52 V20N1568 10/08/2019 0008207439 550100 4,203.91 Total Account by Grant Year 6,910.27 0.00

3529‑3490 3490 9904 2020 School Breakfast 10.553 CFDA 10.553

V20N2384 11/12/2019 0008240914 550100 518.41 V20N2384 11/12/2019 0008240914 550100 4,559.57 V20N3000 12/10/2019 0008267751 550100 427.64 V20N3000 12/10/2019 0008267751 550100 3,818.57 V20N3590 01/07/2020 0008291486 550100 362.13 V20N3590 01/07/2020 0008291486 550100 2,901.11 V20N4768 02/18/2020 0008330780 550100 456.39 V20N4768 02/18/2020 0008330780 550100 4,027.10 V20N6300 04/21/2020 0008386374 550100 443.53 V20N6300 04/21/2020 0008386374 550100 4,231.77 V20N7145 06/02/2020 0008420862 550100 227.33 V20N7145 06/02/2020 0008420862 550100 28,660.68 V20N7308 06/09/2020 0008425520 550100 14,394.60 Total Account by Grant Year 65,028.83 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 71,939.10 0.00

3530‑3500 3500 9902 2019 Section 4 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V20N1389 10/01/2019 0008201360 550100 15,540.60 V20N1568 10/08/2019 0008207439 550100 23,579.67 Total Account by Grant Year 39,120.27 0.00

3530‑3500 3500 9902 2020 Section 4 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V20N2384 11/12/2019 0008240914 550100 25,930.66 V20N3000 12/10/2019 0008267751 550100 21,453.12 V20N3590 01/07/2020 0008291486 550100 17,973.24 V20N4768 02/18/2020 0008330780 550100 23,526.94 V20N6300 04/21/2020 0008386374 550100 22,335.18 V20N7145 06/02/2020 0008420862 550100 52,812.22 V20N7308 06/09/2020 0008425520 550100 22,769.64 Total Account by Grant Year 186,801.00 0.00 Total Account 225,921.27 0.00

3530‑3500 3500 9912 2019 Cash for Commodities 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V20N1389 10/01/2019 0008201360 550100 2,077.65 V20N1568 10/08/2019 0008207439 550100 3,199.13 Total Account by Grant Year 5,276.78 0.00

3530‑3500 3500 9912 2020 Cash for Commodities 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V20N2384 11/12/2019 0008240914 550100 3,646.34 V20N3000 12/10/2019 0008267751 550100 3,008.18 V20N3590 01/07/2020 0008291486 550100 2,498.50 V20N4768 02/18/2020 0008330780 550100 3,246.39 V20N6300 04/21/2020 0008386374 550100 3,034.78 V20N7145 06/02/2020 0008420862 550100 4,384.25 V20N7308 06/09/2020 0008425520 550100 1,553.96 Total Account by Grant Year 21,372.40 0.00 Total Account 26,649.18 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 252,570.45 0.00

3531‑3510 3510 9921 2020 Meal Costs 10.558 CFDA 10.558

V20N2518 11/12/2019 0008241037 550100 288.67 V20N3212 12/10/2019 0008267946 550100 262.99 V20N3741 01/07/2020 0008291622 550100 175.85 V20N4876 02/18/2020 0008330883 550100 276.30 V20N5951 04/07/2020 0008375801 550100 62.60 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,066.41 0.00

3532‑3520 3520 2019 Title I  Low Income S010A180016 18E CFDA 84.010A

V20F0279 10/07/2019 0008205827 550100 20,961.00 Total Account by Grant Year 20,961.00 0.00

3532‑3520 3520 2020 Title I  Low Income S010A190016 19E CFDA 84.010A

V20F0766 12/09/2019 0008265489 550100 18,000.00 V20F1028 01/06/2020 0008289965 550100 26,686.00 V20F1270 02/03/2020 0008316397 550100 20,902.00 V20F1494 03/02/2020 0008344807 550100 20,600.00 V20F1757 04/06/2020 0008374197 550100 21,206.00 Total Account by Grant Year 107,394.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 128,355.00 0.00

3592‑3070 S369 2020 Youth Risk Behavior Survey(YRBS) ‑ Special Project FY19 NU87PS004319‑02 CFDA 93.938

V2004258 01/29/2020 0008312791 526900 200.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 200.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 506,087.96 0.00

Other State Aid from 7000

7005‑7005 7005 2020 USD Contribution Checkoff Fund

V20A0389 02/18/2020 0008330629 559900 71.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 71.00 0.00

7393‑7010 7010 2020 School District 20‑Mill Levy

V2052357 01/29/2020 0008312868 551100 855,594.00 V2053497 06/11/2020 0008428009 551100 717,716.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,573,310.00 0.00 Total Other State Aid from 7000 1,573,381.00 0.00 Total Aid 16,098,054.65 0.00 Notes to the Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 550000s or 770000s (i.e. 551100 or 773100) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. As a result of the state's financial condition, a portion of general state aid and supplemental general state aid payments due to local school districts in June 2020 were delayed until July 1, 2020. Even though school districts did not receive these payments until July, according to K.S.A. 72-6417, they are to be recorded and accounted for by school districts in June. 6. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 7/7/2020
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