Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2019

D0372 USD 372 SILVER LAKE 0000047574

Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000-0110 0110 2019 SGF-KPERS Employer Contributions-USDs

V19K0060 07/11/2018 0007754586 551400 167,868.38 V19K0346 10/10/2018 0007872287 551400 162,833.57 V19K0622 01/10/2019 0007954191 551400 181,703.66 Total Fund Budget Unit 512,405.61 0.00

1000-0190 0190 2019 CTE Transportation

V19E0144 06/18/2019 0008108322 551100 3,880.00 V19E0260 06/24/2019 0008112300 551100 690.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 4,570.00 0.00

1000-0320 0320 2019 Food Service Aid

V19N1365 10/02/2018 0007866190 551100 203.72 V19N1830 10/16/2018 0007877275 551100 277.36 V19N2911 12/11/2018 0007927583 551100 334.88 V19N3879 01/15/2019 0007957816 551100 268.36 V19N4661 02/19/2019 0007988986 551100 478.76 V19N5811 04/09/2019 0008036689 551100 467.96 V19N6670 05/14/2019 0008070997 551100 290.52 V19N7054 06/04/2019 0008091095 551100 192.56 V19N7796 06/18/2019 0008106032 551100 586.65 Total Fund Budget Unit 3,100.77 0.00

1000-0440 0440 2019 Mentor Teacher

V19M0047 06/12/2019 0008099683 551100 1,000.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,000.00 0.00

1000-0700 0700 2019 Special Education Services Aid

V19S0060 10/10/2018 0007872573 551100 159,521.00 V19S0352 12/12/2018 0007929303 551100 143,903.00 V19S0644 03/12/2019 0008010093 551100 94,873.00 V19S0936 04/10/2019 0008037968 551100 44,144.00 V19S1228 05/29/2019 0008086147 551100 125,347.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 567,788.00 0.00

1000-0770 0770 2019 Governor's Teaching Excellence Awards

V19B0008 05/10/2019 0008068371 551100 2,000.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 2,000.00 0.00

1000-0820 0820 2019 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V1950343 07/03/2018 0007748446 551100 216,631.00 V1950629 07/27/2018 0007767345 551100 216,631.00 V1950915 08/29/2018 0007838335 551100 314,994.00 V1951201 09/26/2018 0007861315 551100 365,395.00 V1951487 10/29/2018 0007890888 551100 374,308.00 V1951773 11/28/2018 0007917400 551100 374,308.00 V1952059 12/27/2018 0007944650 551100 365,395.00 V1952631 02/26/2019 0007997880 551100 331,816.00 V1952916 03/27/2019 0008026121 551100 335,602.00 V1953201 04/26/2019 0008056457 551100 268,893.00 V1953771 06/19/2019 0008107818 551100 111,332.00 Total Account by Grant Year 3,275,305.00 0.00

1000-0820 0820 2020 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V2050060 07/02/2019 0008120720 551100 255,085.00 Total Account by Grant Year 255,085.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 3,530,390.00 0.00

1000-0840 0840 2019 Supplemental State Aid (LOB)

V19L0287 09/26/2018 0007861599 551100 396,222.00 V19L0519 01/29/2019 0007972142 551100 394,481.00 V19L0751 06/19/2019 0008108578 551100 111,811.00 Total Account by Grant Year 902,514.00 0.00

1000-0840 0840 2020 Supplemental State Aid (LOB)

V20L0055 07/02/2019 0008121000 551100 81,306.00 Total Account by Grant Year 81,306.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 983,820.00 0.00

1000-0860 0860 2019 Professional Development Aid

V19D0050 06/19/2019 0008108094 551100 2,813.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 2,813.00 0.00

1000-0880 0880 2019 School District Capital Outlay

V19O0042 02/12/2019 0007983317 551100 152,077.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 152,077.00 0.00 Total State Aid 5,759,964.38 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2318-2318 2318 2019 Safe & Secure Schools Act

V19A0035 07/11/2018 0007754415 551100 13,268.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 13,268.00 0.00

2538-2030 2030 2019 State Safety

V19T0052 02/12/2019 0007983553 551100 8,673.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 8,673.00 0.00

2880-2880 2880 2019 School District Capital Improvement

V19C0004 07/03/2018 0007748676 551100 345,857.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 345,857.00 0.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 367,798.00 0.00

Federal Aid

3113-3113 3113 2019 ESSA-StudSpprt Academic Enrich FloThruS424A180017 18E CFDA 84.424A

V19F1952 05/06/2019 0008064618 550100 11,397.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 11,397.00 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9901 2018 Special Milk10.556 CFDA 10.556

V19N1365 10/02/2018 0007866190 550100 42.44 V19N1830 10/16/2018 0007877275 550100 74.21 Total Account by Grant Year 116.65 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9901 2019 Special Milk10.556 CFDA 10.556

V19N2911 12/11/2018 0007927583 550100 98.61 V19N3879 01/15/2019 0007957816 550100 95.53 V19N4661 02/19/2019 0007988986 550100 164.95 V19N5811 04/09/2019 0008036689 550100 178.13 V19N6670 05/14/2019 0008070997 550100 114.35 V19N7054 06/04/2019 0008091095 550100 60.81 Total Account by Grant Year 712.38 0.00 Total Account 829.03 0.00

3230-3020 R786 2017 Team Nutrition Training-Comp. (FY17)FOOD CFDA 10.574

V1905443 03/20/2019 0008017142 526900 200.00 Total Account 200.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,029.03 0.00

3234-3050 3050 1000 2018 EHC Flo-ThruH027A170031 17E CFDA 84.027A

V19F0177 09/10/2018 0007844993 550100 9,000.00 V19F0260 10/08/2018 0007869868 550100 16,102.00 V19F0409 11/05/2018 0007896546 550100 11,627.00 V19F0674 12/10/2018 0007925910 550100 12,547.00 Total Account by Grant Year 49,276.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 1000 2019 EHC Flo-ThruH027A180031 18E CFDA 84.027A

V19F1213 02/04/2019 0007976103 550100 18,785.00 V19F1460 03/04/2019 0008002433 550100 5,585.00 V19F1705 04/08/2019 0008034744 550100 11,217.00 V19F1952 05/06/2019 0008064618 550100 40,493.00 Total Account by Grant Year 76,080.00 0.00 Total Account 125,356.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 5000 2018 EHC Flo-Thru DiscH027A170031 17E CFDA 84.027A

V19F0409 11/05/2018 0007896546 550100 11,420.00 Total Account 11,420.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 136,776.00 0.00

3526-3860 3860 2019 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA)S367A180015 18E CFDA 84.367A

V19F1705 04/08/2019 0008034744 550100 2,300.00 V19F1952 05/06/2019 0008064618 550100 7,835.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 10,135.00 0.00

3529-3490 3490 9904 2018 School Breakfast10.553 CFDA 10.553

V19N1365 10/02/2018 0007866190 550100 312.58 V19N1830 10/16/2018 0007877275 550100 478.37 Total Account by Grant Year 790.95 0.00

3529-3490 3490 9904 2019 School Breakfast10.553 CFDA 10.553

V19N2911 12/11/2018 0007927583 550100 568.45 V19N3879 01/15/2019 0007957816 550100 46.98 V19N4661 02/19/2019 0007988986 550100 890.97 V19N5811 04/09/2019 0008036689 550100 992.39 V19N6670 05/14/2019 0008070997 550100 794.00 V19N7054 06/04/2019 0008091095 550100 544.20 Total Account by Grant Year 3,836.99 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 4,627.94 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9902 2018 Section 410.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N1365 10/02/2018 0007866190 550100 5,337.81 V19N1830 10/16/2018 0007877275 550100 7,348.38 Total Account by Grant Year 12,686.19 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9902 2019 Section 410.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N2911 12/11/2018 0007927583 550100 8,303.84 V19N3879 01/15/2019 0007957816 550100 6,549.33 V19N4661 02/19/2019 0007988986 550100 11,930.33 V19N5811 04/09/2019 0008036689 550100 11,635.43 V19N6670 05/14/2019 0008070997 550100 7,368.31 V19N7054 06/04/2019 0008091095 550100 5,002.18 Total Account by Grant Year 50,789.42 0.00 Total Account 63,475.61 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9912 2018 Cash for Commodities10.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N1365 10/02/2018 0007866190 550100 1,196.86 V19N1830 10/16/2018 0007877275 550100 1,629.49 Total Account by Grant Year 2,826.35 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9912 2019 Cash for Commodities10.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N2911 12/11/2018 0007927583 550100 1,967.42 V19N3879 01/15/2019 0007957816 550100 1,576.62 V19N4661 02/19/2019 0007988986 550100 2,812.72 V19N5811 04/09/2019 0008036689 550100 2,749.27 V19N6670 05/14/2019 0008070997 550100 1,706.81 V19N7054 06/04/2019 0008091095 550100 1,131.29 Total Account by Grant Year 11,944.13 0.00 Total Account 14,770.48 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 78,246.09 0.00

3532-3520 3520 2019 Title I Low IncomeS010A180016 18E CFDA 84.010A

V19F0409 11/05/2018 0007896546 550100 15,071.00 V19F0674 12/10/2018 0007925910 550100 14,071.00 V19F1952 05/06/2019 0008064618 550100 3,381.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 32,523.00 0.00

3535-3550 3550 1000 2018 EC Flo-ThruH173A170034 17E CFDA 84.173A

V19F0260 10/08/2018 0007869868 550100 1,340.00 V19F0409 11/05/2018 0007896546 550100 701.00 V19F0674 12/10/2018 0007925910 550100 2,011.00 Total Account by Grant Year 4,052.00 0.00

3535-3550 3550 1000 2019 EC Flo-ThruH173A180034 18E CFDA 84.173A

V19F1460 03/04/2019 0008002433 550100 680.00 V19F1705 04/08/2019 0008034744 550100 691.00 V19F1952 05/06/2019 0008064618 550100 1,974.00 Total Account by Grant Year 3,345.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 7,397.00 0.00

3592-3070 R782 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey(YRBS) - Special Project FY175U87PS004138-05 CFDA 93.079

V1900816 08/17/2018 0007807876 526900 157.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 157.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 282,288.06 0.00

Other State Aid from 7000

7393-7010 7010 2019 School District 20-Mill Levy

V1952345 01/29/2019 0007971767 551100 436,026.00 V1953486 06/14/2019 0008102010 551100 394,317.00 Total Other State Aid from 7000 830,343.00 0.00 Total Aid 7,240,393.44 0.00 Notes to the Annual State Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 5000s or 7000s (i.e. 5110 or 7310) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. As a result of the state's financial condition, a portion of general state aid and supplemental general state aid payments due to local school districts in June 2019 were delayed until July 1, 2019. Even though school districts did not receive these payments until July, according to K.S.A. 72-6417, they are to be recorded and accounted for by school districts in June. 6. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 7/9/2019
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