Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2019

D0202 USD 202 TURNER 0000047172

Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000-0110 0110 2019 SGF-KPERS Employer Contributions-USDs

V19K0006 07/11/2018 0007754532 551400 980,004.08 V19K0292 10/10/2018 0007872233 551400 778,075.02 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,758,079.10 0.00

1000-0190 0190 2019 CTE Transportation

V19E0118 06/18/2019 0008108296 551100 2,218.00 V19E0234 06/24/2019 0008112274 551100 394.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 2,612.00 0.00

1000-0320 0320 2019 Food Service Aid

V19N1807 10/16/2018 0007877253 551100 1,640.88 V19N2213 11/13/2018 0007903099 551100 1,997.20 V19N2868 12/11/2018 0007927542 551100 2,206.40 V19N4176 02/05/2019 0007977832 551100 1,862.24 V19N4647 02/19/2019 0007988972 551100 1,630.20 V19N5518 03/26/2019 0008021226 551100 3,191.68 V19N6299 05/07/2019 0008064741 551100 1,483.40 V19N7738 06/18/2019 0008105977 551100 3,791.04 V19N7738 06/18/2019 0008105977 551100 4,154.20 Total Fund Budget Unit 21,957.24 0.00

1000-0400 0400 2019 Discretionary Grants

M1903598 12/21/2018 N/A 526900 -60.00 V1903598 12/18/2018 CANCELLED 526900 60.00 V1903779 12/27/2018 0007944559 526900 60.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 60.00 0.00

1000-0440 0440 2019 Mentor Teacher

V19M0005 06/12/2019 0008099641 551100 17,000.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 17,000.00 0.00

1000-0700 0700 2019 Special Education Services Aid

V19S0006 10/10/2018 0007872519 551100 658,192.00 V19S0298 12/12/2018 0007929249 551100 660,526.00 V19S0590 03/12/2019 0008010039 551100 468,100.00 V19S0882 04/10/2019 0008037914 551100 437,956.00 V19S1174 05/29/2019 0008086093 551100 941,171.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 3,165,945.00 0.00

1000-0770 0770 2019 Governor's Teaching Excellence Awards

V19B0001 05/10/2019 0008068364 551100 1,000.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,000.00 0.00

1000-0820 0820 2019 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V1950289 07/03/2018 0007748392 551100 1,283,595.00 V1950575 07/27/2018 0007767291 551100 1,283,595.00 V1950861 08/29/2018 0007838281 551100 1,853,855.00 V1951147 09/26/2018 0007861261 551100 2,088,515.00 V1951433 10/29/2018 0007890834 551100 2,139,455.00 V1951719 11/28/2018 0007917346 551100 2,139,455.00 V1952005 12/27/2018 0007944596 551100 2,088,515.00 V1952577 02/26/2019 0007997826 551100 1,952,750.00 V1952862 03/27/2019 0008026067 551100 1,975,031.00 V1953147 04/26/2019 0008056404 551100 1,549,576.00 V1953717 06/19/2019 0008107764 551100 639,078.00 Total Account by Grant Year 18,993,420.00 0.00

1000-0820 0820 2020 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V2050006 07/02/2019 0008120666 551100 1,464,266.00 Total Account by Grant Year 1,464,266.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 20,457,686.00 0.00

1000-0840 0840 2019 Supplemental State Aid (LOB)

V19L0237 09/26/2018 0007861549 551100 2,759,292.00 V19L0469 01/29/2019 0007972092 551100 2,753,698.00 V19L0701 06/19/2019 0008108528 551100 716,939.00 Total Account by Grant Year 6,229,929.00 0.00

1000-0840 0840 2020 Supplemental State Aid (LOB)

V20L0005 07/02/2019 0008120950 551100 521,342.00 Total Account by Grant Year 521,342.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 6,751,271.00 0.00

1000-0860 0860 2019 Professional Development Aid

V19D0006 06/19/2019 0008108050 551100 2,012.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 2,012.00 0.00

1000-0880 0880 2019 School District Capital Outlay

V19O0002 02/12/2019 0007983277 551100 760,313.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 760,313.00 0.00 Total State Aid 32,937,935.34 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2318-2318 2318 2019 Safe & Secure Schools Act

V19A0004 07/11/2018 0007754384 551100 76,805.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 76,805.00 0.00

2880-2880 2880 2019 School District Capital Improvement

V19C0020 07/27/2018 0007767573 551100 2,856,507.00 V19C0161 01/29/2019 0007971995 551100 379,744.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 3,236,251.00 0.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 3,313,056.00 0.00

Federal Aid

3113-3113 3113 2018 ESSA-StudSpprt Academic Enrich FloThruS424A170017 17E CFDA 84.424A

V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 10,330.00 V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 1,201.00 V19F0240 10/08/2018 0007872223 550100 1,297.00 Total Account by Grant Year 12,828.00 0.00

3113-3113 3113 2019 ESSA-StudSpprt Academic Enrich FloThruS424A180017 18E CFDA 84.424A

V19F0628 12/10/2018 0007927410 550100 4,942.00 V19F0906 01/07/2019 0007952045 550100 2,622.00 V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 3,238.00 V19F1419 03/04/2019 0008004022 550100 820.00 V19F1663 04/08/2019 0008036548 550100 543.00 V19F1905 05/06/2019 0008064600 550100 515.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 18,069.00 Total Account by Grant Year 30,749.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 43,577.00 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9923 2018 SFS - Food10.559 CFDA 10.559

V19N0600 08/14/2018 0007784637 550100 32,650.79 V19N1080 09/18/2018 0007851800 550100 3,202.88 Total Account 35,853.67 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9925 2018 SFS - Sponsor Admin10.559 CFDA 10.559

V19N0600 08/14/2018 0007784637 550100 3,385.60 V19N1080 09/18/2018 0007851800 550100 334.07 Total Account 3,719.67 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9988 2018 SFS - CFC10.559 CFDA 10.559

V19N0600 08/14/2018 0007784637 550100 162.68 V19N1080 09/18/2018 0007851800 550100 14.76 Total Account 177.44 0.00

3230-3020 R201 2018 Federal School Food Service10.560 CFDA 10.560

V1901513 09/25/2018 0007857469 523200 50.00 Total Account 50.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 39,800.78 0.00

3233-3040 3040 9955 2019 Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, or the 2017 CA wildfiresS938C180026 18E CFDA 84.938C

V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 67,250.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 67,250.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 1000 2018 EHC Flo-ThruH027A170031 17E CFDA 84.027A

V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 608.00 V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 832,853.00 V19F0362 11/05/2018 0007896514 550100 53,292.00 V19F0628 12/10/2018 0007927410 550100 56,164.00 V19F0906 01/07/2019 0007952045 550100 65,891.00 Total Account by Grant Year 1,008,808.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 1000 2019 EHC Flo-ThruH027A180031 18E CFDA 84.027A

V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 59,543.00 V19F1419 03/04/2019 0008004022 550100 933.00 V19F1663 04/08/2019 0008036548 550100 59,681.00 V19F1905 05/06/2019 0008064600 550100 58,124.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 478,078.00 Total Account by Grant Year 656,359.00 0.00 Total Account 1,665,167.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 5000 2018 EHC Flo-Thru DiscH027A170031 17E CFDA 84.027A

V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 5,112.00 V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 838.00 V19F0362 11/05/2018 0007896514 550100 2,728.00 Total Account by Grant Year 8,678.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 5000 2019 EHC Flo-Thru DiscH027A180031 18E CFDA 84.027A

V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 840.00 V19F1663 04/08/2019 0008036548 550100 150.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 27,725.00 Total Account by Grant Year 28,715.00 0.00 Total Account 37,393.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,702,560.00 0.00

3522-3820 3820 2018 English Language Acquisition- Flo-thruS365A170016 17E CFDA 84.365A

V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 28,384.00 V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 5,213.00 V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 5,351.00 V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 1,485.00 V19F0362 11/05/2018 0007896514 550100 6,322.00 V19F0362 11/05/2018 0007896514 550100 3,292.00 V19F0628 12/10/2018 0007927410 550100 3,285.00 V19F0628 12/10/2018 0007927410 550100 241.00 Total Account by Grant Year 53,573.00 0.00

3522-3820 3820 2019 English Language Acquisition- Flo-thruS365A180016 18E CFDA 84.365A

V19F0906 01/07/2019 0007952045 550100 164.00 V19F0906 01/07/2019 0007952045 550100 2,574.00 V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 3,241.00 V19F1419 03/04/2019 0008004022 550100 3,046.00 V19F1663 04/08/2019 0008036548 550100 7,221.00 V19F1905 05/06/2019 0008064600 550100 3,013.00 V19F1905 05/06/2019 0008064600 550100 2,719.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 3,714.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 29,197.00 Total Account by Grant Year 54,889.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 108,462.00 0.00

3526-3860 3860 2017 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA)S367A160015 16E CFDA 84.367

F19F0005 03/04/2019 N/A 550100 6,049.00 Total Account by Grant Year 6,049.00 0.00

3526-3860 3860 2018 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA)S367A170015 17E CFDA 84.367A

F19F0005 03/04/2019 N/A 550100 -6,049.00 V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 57,359.00 V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 17,180.00 V19F0240 10/08/2018 0007872223 550100 1,802.00 V19F0362 11/05/2018 0007896514 550100 7,267.00 V19F0362 11/05/2018 0007896514 550100 319.00 Total Account by Grant Year 77,878.00 0.00

3526-3860 3860 2019 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA)S367A180015 18E CFDA 84.367A

V19F0628 12/10/2018 0007927410 550100 97.00 V19F0628 12/10/2018 0007927410 550100 7,728.00 V19F0906 01/07/2019 0007952045 550100 9,117.00 V19F0906 01/07/2019 0007952045 550100 10,885.00 V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 396.00 V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 6,605.00 V19F1419 03/04/2019 0008004022 550100 7,031.00 V19F1419 03/04/2019 0008004022 550100 2,230.00 V19F1663 04/08/2019 0008036548 550100 3,495.00 V19F1663 04/08/2019 0008036548 550100 6,642.00 V19F1905 05/06/2019 0008064600 550100 2,902.00 V19F1905 05/06/2019 0008064600 550100 7,780.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 46,514.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 35,007.00 Total Account by Grant Year 146,429.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 230,356.00 0.00

3527-3870 5000 D907 2018 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA)-Disc-KEEN St Ed Conf &MilkeS367A170015 17E CFDA 84.367A

V1905539 03/21/2019 0008017844 526900 100.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 100.00 0.00

3529-3490 3490 9904 2018 School Breakfast10.553 CFDA 10.553

V19N1807 10/16/2018 0007877253 550100 29,789.44 Total Account by Grant Year 29,789.44 0.00

3529-3490 3490 9904 2019 School Breakfast10.553 CFDA 10.553

V19N2213 11/13/2018 0007903099 550100 39,562.05 V19N2868 12/11/2018 0007927542 550100 41,911.10 V19N4176 02/05/2019 0007977832 550100 35,176.56 V19N4647 02/19/2019 0007988972 550100 29,943.39 V19N5518 03/26/2019 0008021226 550100 63,914.11 V19N6299 05/07/2019 0008064741 550100 31,028.17 V19N7738 06/18/2019 0008105977 550100 82,729.34 Total Account by Grant Year 324,264.72 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 354,054.16 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9902 2018 Section 410.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N1807 10/16/2018 0007877253 550100 113,497.38 Total Account by Grant Year 113,497.38 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9902 2019 Section 410.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N2213 11/13/2018 0007903099 550100 138,586.70 V19N2868 12/11/2018 0007927542 550100 150,960.40 V19N4176 02/05/2019 0007977832 550100 129,033.04 V19N4647 02/19/2019 0007988972 550100 113,205.65 V19N5518 03/26/2019 0008021226 550100 221,692.68 V19N6299 05/07/2019 0008064741 550100 102,585.15 V19N7738 06/18/2019 0008105977 550100 264,081.64 Total Account by Grant Year 1,120,145.26 0.00 Total Account 1,233,642.64 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9903 2018 Section 1110.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N1807 10/16/2018 0007877253 550100 668.85 Total Account by Grant Year 668.85 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9903 2019 Section 1110.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N2213 11/13/2018 0007903099 550100 2,881.97 V19N2868 12/11/2018 0007927542 550100 3,046.68 V19N4176 02/05/2019 0007977832 550100 4,093.18 V19N4647 02/19/2019 0007988972 550100 3,522.61 V19N5518 03/26/2019 0008021226 550100 6,176.17 V19N6299 05/07/2019 0008064741 550100 1,971.97 V19N7738 06/18/2019 0008105977 550100 3,215.03 Total Account by Grant Year 24,907.61 0.00 Total Account 25,576.46 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9912 2018 Cash for Commodities10.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N1807 10/16/2018 0007877253 550100 9,640.17 Total Account by Grant Year 9,640.17 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9912 2019 Cash for Commodities10.555 CFDA 10.555

V19N2213 11/13/2018 0007903099 550100 11,733.55 V19N2868 12/11/2018 0007927542 550100 12,962.60 V19N4176 02/05/2019 0007977832 550100 10,940.66 V19N4647 02/19/2019 0007988972 550100 9,577.43 V19N5518 03/26/2019 0008021226 550100 18,751.12 V19N6299 05/07/2019 0008064741 550100 8,714.98 V19N7738 06/18/2019 0008105977 550100 22,272.37 Total Account by Grant Year 94,952.71 0.00 Total Account 104,592.88 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,363,811.98 0.00

3532-3520 3520 2017 Title I Low IncomeS010A160016 16E CFDA 84.010

F19F0005 02/05/2019 N/A 550100 20,758.00 F19F0092 09/07/2018 N/A 550100 10,163.00 Total Account by Grant Year 30,921.00 0.00

3532-3520 3520 2018 Title I Low IncomeS010A170016 17E CFDA 84.010A

F19F0005 02/05/2019 N/A 550100 -20,758.00 F19F0092 09/07/2018 N/A 550100 -10,163.00 V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 3,989.00 V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 414,511.00 V19F0092 08/06/2018 0007776894 550100 10,396.00 V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 170,592.00 V19F0362 11/05/2018 0007896514 550100 36,324.00 Total Account by Grant Year 604,891.00 0.00

3532-3520 3520 2019 Title I Low IncomeS010A180016 18E CFDA 84.010A

V19F0628 12/10/2018 0007927410 550100 64,693.00 V19F0906 01/07/2019 0007952045 550100 65,758.00 V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 323,356.00 V19F1419 03/04/2019 0008004022 550100 111,650.00 V19F1663 04/08/2019 0008036548 550100 124,082.00 V19F1905 05/06/2019 0008064600 550100 99,365.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 493,087.00 Total Account by Grant Year 1,281,991.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,917,803.00 0.00

3535-3550 3550 1000 2018 EC Flo-ThruH173A170034 17E CFDA 84.173A

V19F0240 10/08/2018 0007872223 550100 25,775.00 Total Account by Grant Year 25,775.00 0.00

3535-3550 3550 1000 2019 EC Flo-ThruH173A180034 18E CFDA 84.173A

V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 26,177.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 26,152.00 Total Account by Grant Year 52,329.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 78,104.00 0.00

3537-3570 3570 2018 Title I MigrantS011A170016 17E CFDA 84.011A

S1900349 01/16/2019 N/A 550100 -2,504.00 V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 2,808.00 V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 3,021.00 V19F0362 11/05/2018 0007896514 550100 1,927.00 V19F0628 12/10/2018 0007927410 550100 2,056.00 Total Account by Grant Year 9,812.00 -2,504.00

3537-3570 3570 2019 Title I MigrantS011A180016 18E CFDA 84.011A

V19F0906 01/07/2019 0007952045 550100 1,927.00 V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 2,068.00 V19F1419 03/04/2019 0008004022 550100 1,927.00 V19F1663 04/08/2019 0008036548 550100 1,454.00 V19F1905 05/06/2019 0008064600 550100 981.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 12,660.00 Total Account by Grant Year 21,017.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 30,829.00 -2,504.00

3539-3590 3590 9920 2017 Program Improv SecV048A160016 16E CFDA 84.048

V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 1,740.11 Total Account by Grant Year 1,740.11 0.00

3539-3590 3590 9920 2018 Program Improv SecV048A170016 17E CFDA 84.048A

V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 13,331.00 V19F0163 09/10/2018 0007846238 550100 9,607.89 V19F0240 10/08/2018 0007872223 550100 8,454.00 V19F0628 12/10/2018 0007927410 550100 1,167.00 Total Account by Grant Year 32,559.89 0.00

3539-3590 3590 9920 2019 Program Improv SecV048A180016 18E CFDA 84.048A

V19F0906 01/07/2019 0007952045 550100 16.00 V19F1168 02/04/2019 0007977741 550100 7,534.00 V19F1663 04/08/2019 0008036548 550100 480.00 V19F1905 05/06/2019 0008064600 550100 707.00 V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 31,079.00 Total Account by Grant Year 39,816.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 74,116.00 0.00

3592-3070 U724 2019 Homeless Child FY2019S196A180017 18E CFDA 84.196A

V19F2166 06/03/2019 0008089343 550100 2,100.00 Total Account 2,100.00 0.00

3592-3070 U772 2019 Homeless Child FY2018S196A170017 17E CFDA 84.196

V19F0005 07/16/2018 0007759825 550100 8,892.00 Total Account 8,892.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 10,992.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 6,021,815.92 -2,504.00

Other State Aid from 7000

7005-7005 7005 2019 USD Contribution Checkoff Fund

V19A0156 02/12/2019 0007982902 559900 256.52 Total Fund Budget Unit 256.52 0.00

7393-7010 7010 2019 School District 20-Mill Levy

V1952291 01/29/2019 0007971713 551100 2,542,766.00 V1953432 06/14/2019 0008101956 551100 2,263,499.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 4,806,265.00 0.00 Total Other State Aid from 7000 4,806,521.52 0.00 Total Aid 47,079,328.78 -2,504.00 Notes to the Annual State Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 5000s or 7000s (i.e. 5110 or 7310) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. As a result of the state's financial condition, a portion of general state aid and supplemental general state aid payments due to local school districts in June 2019 were delayed until July 1, 2019. Even though school districts did not receive these payments until July, according to K.S.A. 72-6417, they are to be recorded and accounted for by school districts in June. 6. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 7/9/2019
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