Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2016

D0430 USD 430 SOUTH BROWN COUNTY 0000047635

Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000-0320 0320 2016 Food Service Aid

V16N0914 09/08/2015 0006713725 551100 145.32 V16N1441 10/06/2015 0006777314 551100 338.24 V16N2076 10/26/2015 0006789920 551100 0.72 V16N2246 11/02/2015 0006798899 551100 301.64 V16N2932 12/08/2015 0006821786 551100 270.12 V16N3846 01/19/2016 0006846654 551100 208.84 V16N4578 02/16/2016 0006872082 551100 280.36 V16N5299 03/15/2016 0006904261 551100 290.24 V16N5970 04/19/2016 0006944504 551100 228.80 V16N6603 05/10/2016 0006972811 551100 294.76 V16N7160 06/06/2016 0006997146 551100 126.56 V16N7766 06/14/2016 0007004557 551100 420.79 Total Account 2,906.39 0.00

1000-0500 0500 0100 2016 KPERS

V1650845 07/10/2015 0006668561 551400 125,287.49 V1652221 10/12/2015 0006779632 551400 98,921.99 V1653365 01/12/2016 0006842200 551400 115,285.70 Total Account 339,495.18 0.00

1000-0500 0500 0820 2016 General State Aid

V1650559 07/06/2015 0006665014 551100 249,907.00 V1651131 07/29/2015 0006684322 551100 199,829.00 V1651417 08/27/2015 0006704808 551100 299,597.00 V1651703 09/28/2015 0006749152 551100 319,570.00 V1652507 10/28/2015 0006791876 551100 323,503.00 V1652793 11/24/2015 0006810108 551100 323,503.00 V1653079 12/29/2015 0006833505 551100 323,503.00 V1654316 02/25/2016 0006881364 551100 301,210.00 V1654602 03/29/2016 0006917115 551100 295,018.00 V1654888 04/27/2016 0006953631 551100 290,833.00 V1655691 06/22/2016 0007011039 551100 98,053.00 Total Account 3,024,526.00 0.00

1000-0500 0500 0820 2017 Block Grant- USDs

V1750099 07/01/2016 0007018133 551100 323,213.00 Total Account 323,213.00 0.00

1000-0500 0500 0840 2016 Supplemental General State Aid

V1651973 09/28/2015 0006749422 551100 399,999.00 V1653921 01/27/2016 0006855874 551100 399,999.00 V1655443 06/22/2016 0007010792 551100 92,639.00 Total Account 892,637.00 0.00

1000-0700 0700 2016 Special Education Services Aid

V16S0099 10/12/2015 0006779918 551100 190,384.00 V16S0390 12/10/2015 0006822901 551100 182,558.00 V16S0681 03/10/2016 0006899425 551100 115,676.00 V16S0972 04/12/2016 0006934583 551100 122,479.00 V16S1263 05/26/2016 0006987727 551100 146,186.00 Total Account 757,283.00 0.00

1000-0840 0840 2017 Supplemental General State Aid

V17L0082 07/01/2016 0007018402 551100 107,361.00 Total Account 107,361.00 0.00 Total State Aid 5,447,421.57 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2538-2030 2030 2016 State Safety

V16T0089 10/28/2015 0006792154 551100 1,496.00 Total Account 1,496.00 0.00

2880-2880 2880 2016 School District Capital Improvement

V16C0047 07/29/2015 0006684544 551100 197,055.00 V16C0195 01/27/2016 0006856054 551100 3,893.00 Total Account 200,948.00 0.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 202,444.00 0.00

Federal Aid

3230-3020 3020 9901 2015 Special Milk10.556 CFDA 10.556

V16N0914 09/08/2015 0006713725 550100 2.91 V16N1441 10/06/2015 0006777314 550100 49.99 V16N2246 11/02/2015 0006798899 550100 0.40 Total Account 53.30 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9901 2016 Special Milk10.556 CFDA 10.556

V16N2246 11/02/2015 0006798899 550100 44.51 V16N2932 12/08/2015 0006821786 550100 43.70 V16N3846 01/19/2016 0006846654 550100 31.98 V16N4578 02/16/2016 0006872082 550100 41.96 V16N5299 03/15/2016 0006904261 550100 48.66 V16N5970 04/19/2016 0006944504 550100 34.12 V16N6603 05/10/2016 0006972811 550100 42.26 V16N7160 06/06/2016 0006997146 550100 24.39 Total Account 311.58 0.00

3230-3020 R680 2014 Team Nutrition Training-Comp. (FY14)FOOD CFDA 10.574

V1603176 12/10/2015 0006822761 559900 250.00 Total Account 250.00 0.00

3522-3820 3820 2015 English Language Acquisition- Flo-thruS365A140016 14E CFDA 84.365

V16F0349 09/28/2015 0006749661 550100 10,420.00 Total Account 10,420.00 0.00

3526-3860 3860 2015 Title II- Improving Teacher QualityS367A140015 14E CFDA 84.367

V16F0619 11/02/2015 0006798594 550100 2,923.00 Total Account 2,923.00 0.00

3526-3860 3860 2016 Title II- Improving Teacher QualityS367A150015 15E CFDA 84.367

V16F0894 12/07/2015 0006820114 550100 2,873.00 V16F1186 01/11/2016 0006841884 550100 2,874.00 V16F1476 02/08/2016 0006864130 550100 2,879.00 V16F2305 05/09/2016 0006971263 550100 2,880.00 V16F2571 06/06/2016 0006996877 550100 21,979.00 Total Account 33,485.00 0.00

3529-3490 3490 9904 2015 School Breakfast10.553 CFDA 10.553

V16N0914 09/08/2015 0006713725 550100 2,962.71 V16N1441 10/06/2015 0006777314 550100 7,581.89 V16N2246 11/02/2015 0006798899 550100 5,968.29 Total Account 16,512.89 0.00

3529-3490 3490 9904 2016 School Breakfast10.553 CFDA 10.553

V16N2932 12/08/2015 0006821786 550100 5,330.42 V16N3846 01/19/2016 0006846654 550100 3,990.70 V16N4578 02/16/2016 0006872082 550100 5,428.69 V16N5299 03/15/2016 0006904261 550100 5,534.09 V16N5970 04/19/2016 0006944504 550100 4,308.45 V16N6603 05/10/2016 0006972811 550100 5,583.40 V16N7160 06/06/2016 0006997146 550100 2,542.36 Total Account 32,718.11 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9902 2015 Section 410.555 CFDA 10.555

V16N0914 09/08/2015 0006713725 550100 8,406.85 V16N1441 10/06/2015 0006777314 550100 21,234.04 V16N2076 10/26/2015 0006789920 550100 56.70 V16N2246 11/02/2015 0006798899 550100 18,275.95 Total Account 47,973.54 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9902 2016 Section 410.555 CFDA 10.555

V16N2932 12/08/2015 0006821786 550100 16,065.93 V16N3846 01/19/2016 0006846654 550100 12,376.71 V16N4578 02/16/2016 0006872082 550100 16,666.23 V16N5299 03/15/2016 0006904261 550100 17,122.04 V16N5970 04/19/2016 0006944504 550100 13,455.62 V16N6603 05/10/2016 0006972811 550100 17,492.59 V16N7160 06/06/2016 0006997146 550100 7,537.20 Total Account 100,716.32 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9912 2015 Cash for Commodities10.555 CFDA 10.555

V16N0914 09/08/2015 0006713725 550100 862.84 V16N1441 10/06/2015 0006777314 550100 2,008.30 V16N2076 10/26/2015 0006789920 550100 4.27 V16N2246 11/02/2015 0006798899 550100 1,790.99 Total Account 4,666.40 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9912 2016 Cash for Commodities10.555 CFDA 10.555

V16N2932 12/08/2015 0006821786 550100 1,603.84 V16N3846 01/19/2016 0006846654 550100 1,239.99 V16N4578 02/16/2016 0006872082 550100 1,664.64 V16N5299 03/15/2016 0006904261 550100 1,723.30 V16N5970 04/19/2016 0006944504 550100 1,358.50 V16N6603 05/10/2016 0006972811 550100 1,750.14 V16N7160 06/06/2016 0006997146 550100 751.45 Total Account 10,091.86 0.00

3532-3520 3520 2015 Title I Low IncomeS010A140016 14E CFDA 84.010

V16F0349 09/28/2015 0006749661 550100 5,268.00 Total Account 5,268.00 0.00

3532-3520 3520 2016 Title I Low IncomeS010A150016 15E CFDA 84.010

V16F0619 11/02/2015 0006798594 550100 18,505.00 V16F0894 12/07/2015 0006820114 550100 18,286.00 V16F1186 01/11/2016 0006841884 550100 16,712.00 V16F1476 02/08/2016 0006864130 550100 15,358.00 V16F2305 05/09/2016 0006971263 550100 16,203.00 V16F2571 06/06/2016 0006996877 550100 80,948.00 Total Account 166,012.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 431,402.00 0.00

Other State Aid from 7000

7393-7010 7010 2016 School District 20-Mill Levy

V1653651 01/27/2016 0006855604 551100 330,669.00 V1655174 06/10/2016 0007001958 551100 351,256.00 Total Account 681,925.00 0.00 Total Other State Aid from 7000 681,925.00 0.00 Total Aid 6,763,192.57 0.00 Notes to the Annual State Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 5000s or 7000s (i.e. 5110 or 7310) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. As a result of the state's financial condition, a portion of general state aid and supplemental general state aid payments due to local school districts in June 2016 were delayed until July 1, 2016. Even though school districts did not receive these payments until July, according to K.S.A. 72-6417, they are to be recorded and accounted for by school districts in June. 6. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 7/15/2016
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