Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2015


Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000-0053 S942 Assessment Program CFDA

V1500018 07/03/2014 0005442621 7052799 X 595,380.00 Total Account 595,380.00 0.00 Total State Aid 595,380.00 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2230-2010 S325 Standards Workshop(s) CFDA

V1500561 08/08/2014 2002655984 7176211 X 200.00 Total Account 200.00 0.00

2770-2770 S671 State Assessment- Special Revenue Fund CFDA

V1503298 12/15/2014 0006042859 7052799 X 1,100,000.00 Total Account 1,100,000.00 0.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 1,100,200.00 0.00

Federal Aid

3230-3020 3020 9923 SFS - Food CFDA 10.559

V15N0003 07/07/2014 0005443006 7035060 X 5,424.42 V15N0230 07/15/2014 0005452928 7035060 X 5,218.95 F15N0278 07/22/2014 N/A 703 5060 X 2,728.66 F15N0278 07/22/2014 N/A 703 5060 X -2,728.66 V15N0278 07/22/2014 0005501252 7035060 X 6,992.73 V15N0467 08/12/2014 0005601752 7035060 X 625.53 Total Account 18,261.63 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9925 SFS - Sponsor Admin CFDA 10.559

V15N0003 07/07/2014 0005443006 7035060 X 560.79 V15N0230 07/15/2014 0005452928 7035060 X 538.63 F15N0278 07/22/2014 N/A 703 5060 X 286.77 F15N0278 07/22/2014 N/A 703 5060 X -286.77 V15N0278 07/22/2014 0005501252 7035060 X 722.17 V15N0467 08/12/2014 0005601752 7035060 X 64.46 Total Account 1,886.05 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9988 SFS - CFC CFDA 10.559

V15N0003 07/07/2014 0005443006 7035060 X 30.27 V15N0230 07/15/2014 0005452928 7035060 X 30.33 F15N0278 07/22/2014 N/A 703 5060 X 13.04 F15N0278 07/22/2014 N/A 703 5060 X -13.04 V15N0278 07/22/2014 0005501252 7035060 X 38.74 V15N0467 08/12/2014 0005601752 7035060 X 3.69 Total Account 103.03 0.00

3234-3050 3050 5000 EHC Flo-Thru Disc CFDA 84.027

V15F0010 07/07/2014 0005442963 7035060 X 29,516.00 V15F0010 07/07/2014 0005442963 7035060 X 41,066.00 V1501090 09/09/2014 0005707407 7035060 X 39,338.00 V1501090 09/09/2014 0005707407 7035060 X 45,226.00 V15F0620 11/03/2014 0005923263 7035060 X 28,088.00 V15F0620 11/03/2014 0005923263 7035060 X 111.00 V15F0620 11/03/2014 0005923263 7035060 X 72,237.00 V1502722 11/14/2014 0005931209 7035060 X 131,598.00 V15F0895 12/08/2014 0006035082 7035060 X 44,059.00 V15F1181 01/05/2015 0006140373 7035060 X 29,265.00 V15F1181 01/05/2015 0006140373 7035060 X 161,877.00 V15F1477 02/09/2015 2002905203 7035060 X 42,842.00 V15F1477 02/09/2015 2002905203 7035060 X 40,598.00 V15F1477 02/09/2015 2002905203 7035060 X 3,357.00 V15F1729 03/09/2015 2002935170 7035060 X 45,921.00 V15F1729 03/09/2015 2002935170 7035060 X 40,878.00 V15F2006 04/06/2015 2002974796 7035060 X 31,877.00 V15F2006 04/06/2015 2002974796 7035060 X 26,551.00 V15F2271 05/11/2015 2003028815 7035060 X 42,069.00 V15F2271 05/11/2015 2003028815 7035060 X 44,850.00 V15F2534 06/08/2015 2003070062 7035060 X 28,377.00 V15F2534 06/08/2015 2003070062 7035060 X 31,462.00 Total Account 1,001,163.00 0.00

3519-3890 U824 Title IV 21st Century Statewide Activities CFDA 84.287

V1500498 08/06/2014 0005598508 7052799 X 11,605.67 V1501015 09/04/2014 0005704636 7052799 X 10,880.89 V1501456 09/23/2014 0005808862 7052799 X 10,785.59 V1502016 10/22/2014 0005826010 7052799 X 12,139.85 V1502879 11/19/2014 0005934535 7052799 X 21,449.61 V1503940 01/28/2015 0006246173 7052799 X 23,530.20 V1505488 04/08/2015 2002980299 7052799 X 22,287.72 V1505937 04/28/2015 2003009741 7052799 X 16,683.39 V1506406 05/21/2015 2003049044 7052799 X 27,786.29 V1506951 06/12/2015 2003080263 7052799 X 11,387.54 Total Account 168,536.75 0.00

3520-3800 S984 Title VI- State Assessments CFDA 84.369

V1500018 07/03/2014 0005442621 7052799 X 2,404,620.00 V1501469 09/24/2014 0005808863 7052799 X 1,450,000.00 F1501469 09/30/2014 N/A 705 2799 X -1,450,000.00 F1501469 09/30/2014 N/A 705 2799 X 1,450,000.00 V1503298 12/15/2014 0006042859 7052799 X 350,000.00 V1503366 12/16/2014 0006043596 7052799 X 50,000.00 F1503298 12/30/2014 N/A 705 2799 X -71,440.76 F1503298 12/30/2014 N/A 705 2799 X 71,440.76 Total Account 4,254,620.00 0.00

3534-3540 5000 T402 Title VI - Part B IDEA - Discretionary CFDA 84.027

V1500017 07/03/2014 0005442620 7052799 X 300,000.00 V1501561 10/01/2014 0005811391 7052799 X 300,000.00 V1503175 12/05/2014 0006034335 7052799 X 300,000.00 V1504706 03/05/2015 2002933420 7052799 X 300,000.00 V1506778 06/09/2015 2003074721 7052799 X 300,000.00 Total Account 1,500,000.00 0.00

3535-3550 3550 5000 EC Flo-Thru Disc CFDA 84.173

V15F0010 07/07/2014 0005442963 7035060 X 28,773.00 V1501090 09/09/2014 0005707407 7035060 X 48,340.00 V15F0620 11/03/2014 0005923263 7035060 X 35,332.00 V1502722 11/14/2014 0005931209 7035060 X 94,886.00 V15F0895 12/08/2014 0006035082 7035060 X 29,151.00 V15F1181 01/05/2015 0006140373 7035060 X 26,316.00 V15F1477 02/09/2015 2002905203 7035060 X 27,466.00 V15F1729 03/09/2015 2002935170 7035060 X 16,233.00 V15F1729 03/09/2015 2002935170 7035060 X 18,931.00 V15F2006 04/06/2015 2002974796 7035060 X 26,008.00 V15F2271 05/11/2015 2003028815 7035060 X 58,289.00 V15F2534 06/08/2015 2003070062 7035060 X 101,395.00 Total Account 511,120.00 0.00

3592-3070 S347 EAG- Accessibility of Technology CFDA 84.368

V1502632 11/07/2014 0005927407 7052799 X 200,000.00 V1504497 02/24/2015 0006351645 7052799 X 150,000.00 Total Account 350,000.00 0.00

3592-3070 T416 State Personnel Development Grant-FY12 CFDA 84.323

V1506376 05/20/2015 2003047478 7052799 X 47,077.23 Total Account 47,077.23 0.00

3592-3070 T417 State Personnel Development Grant-FY13 CFDA 84.323

V1503137 12/04/2014 0006033414 7052799 X 62,500.00 V1506376 05/20/2015 2003047478 7052799 X 10,422.77 Total Account 72,922.77 0.00

3799-3110 F098 Safe &Supportive Schools Continuum CFDA 84.184

V1504875 03/13/2015 2002944035 7052799 X 22,537.00 Total Account 22,537.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 7,948,227.46 0.00

Other State Aid from 7000

7307-5000 S363 School Readiness - Governor's Conference CFDA

V1504583 02/27/2015 0006360357 7052799 X 40,000.00 V1506492 05/28/2015 2003058466 7052799 X 30,000.00 Total Account 70,000.00 0.00 Total Other St Aid from 7000 70,000.00 0.00 Total Aid 9,713,807.46 0.00 Notes to the Annual State Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 5000s or 7000s (i.e. 5110 or 7310) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. As a result of the state's financial condition, a portion of general state aid and supplemental general state aid payments due to local school districts in June 2015 were delayed until July 1, 2015. Even though school districts did not receive these payments until July, according to K.S.A. 72-6417, they are to be recorded and accounted for by school districts in June. 6. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 08/12/2015
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