Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2013


Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000-0100 0100 KPERS Employer Contributions

V13K0039 07/11/2012 0002626129 7035140 D 98,078.88 V13K0325 10/09/2012 0002995201 7035140 D 32,289.40 V13K0611 01/09/2013 0003314692 7035140 D 67,521.21 V13K0897 04/10/2013 0003644010 7035140 D 59,720.98 Total Account 257,610.47 0.00

1000-0320 0320 Food Service Aid

V13N1568 11/06/2012 0003101037 7035110 D 107.68 V13N2651 12/17/2012 N/A 703 5110 D 261.00 V13N3484 01/15/2013 0003319449 7035110 D 792.44 V13N4596 03/05/2013 0003525806 7035110 D 283.16 V13N5288 04/05/2013 0003639340 7035110 D 241.16 V13N5692 04/09/2013 0003643905 7035110 D 191.12 V13N6670 05/21/2013 0003776185 7035110 D 307.64 V13N6956 06/04/2013 0003875895 7035110 D 165.32 V13N7701 06/21/2013 0003895027 7035110 D 367.20 Total Account 2,716.72 0.00

1000-0700 0700 Special Education Services Aid

V13S0039 10/10/2012 0002995487 7035110 D 85,053.00 V13S0331 12/12/2012 0003212068 7035110 D 93,118.00 V13S0622 03/12/2013 0003530433 7035110 D 61,362.00 V13S0913 04/10/2013 0003644296 7035110 D 67,960.00 V13S1204 05/29/2013 0003869384 7035110 D 130,911.00 V13S1495 06/12/2013 0003883207 7035110 D 2,884.00 Total Account 441,288.00 0.00

1000-0820 0820 General State Aid

V1350303 07/03/2012 0002620774 7035110 D 190,683.00 V1350589 07/26/2012 0002717695 7035110 D 190,683.00 V1350875 08/29/2012 0002876862 7035110 D 237,434.00
V1351161 09/26/2012 0002982713 7035110 D 234,631.00 V1351447 10/25/2012 0003089942 7035110 D 234,631.00 V1351733 11/28/2012 0003197216 7035110 D 234,631.00 V1352019 12/27/2012 0003303268 7035110 D 234,631.00 V1352305 01/29/2013 0003407791 7035110 D 104,815.00 V1352570 02/25/2013 0003515919 7035110 D 188,667.00 V1352834 03/27/2013 0003626391 7035110 D 188,667.00 V1353098 04/26/2013 0003744288 7035110 D 141,500.00 V1353363 06/20/2013 0003892725 7035110 D 134,213.00 V1450039 06/30/2013 0003984998 7035110 D 250,659.00 Total Account 2,565,845.00 0.00

1000-0840 0840 Supplemental General State Aid

V13L0272 09/26/2012 0002983006 7035110 D 142,571.00 V13L0507 01/29/2013 0003408143 7035110 D 142,510.00 V13L0742 06/20/2013 0003893039 7035110 D 43,012.00 V14L0038 06/30/2013 0003985258 7035110 D 19,429.00 Total Account 347,522.00 0.00 Total State Aid 3,614,982.19 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2139-2139 2139 Technical Ed Transportation State Aid

V13E0005 06/20/2013 0003892952 7035110 D 12,528.00 Total Account 12,528.00 0.00

2230-2010 S397 Effective Schools Conference Fee Fund

V1305458 03/21/2013 2001877069 7176211 D 150.00 Total Account 150.00 0.00

2538-2030 2030 State Safety

V13T0032 11/07/2012 0003102157 7035110 D 2,325.00 Total Account 2,325.00 0.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 15,003.00 0.00

Federal Aid

3230-3020 3020 9926 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables CFDA 10.582

V13N2887 12/18/2012 N/A 703 5010 D 182.55 V13N2887 12/18/2012 N/A 703 5010 D 445.76 V13N3814 02/05/2013 0003417062 7035010 D 113.19 V13N3814 02/05/2013 0003417062 7035010 D 154.11 V13N4703 03/05/2013 0003525898 7035010 D 342.60 V13N5053 04/02/2013 0003634011 7035010 D 237.40 V13N5903 04/23/2013 0003659756 7035010 D 222.15 V13N6419 05/14/2013 0003769490 7035010 D 510.74 V13N7300 06/11/2013 0003883022 7035010 D 173.97
Total Account 2,382.47 0.00

3526-3860 3860 Title II- Improving Teacher Quality CFDA 84.367

V13F0290 10/02/2012 N/A 703 5010 D 4,045.00 V13F0550 11/05/2012 0003097731 7035010 D 2,022.00 V13F0835 12/03/2012 0003202475 7035010 D 4,470.00 V13F1405 02/04/2013 0003414918 7035010 D 5,270.00 V13F1674 03/05/2013 0003525594 7035010 D 2,635.00 V13F1928 04/08/2013 0003642104 7035010 D 2,600.00 V13F2497 06/04/2013 0003875568 7035010 D 3,232.00 Total Account 24,274.00 0.00

3529-3490 3490 9904 School Breakfast CFDA 10.553

V13N1568 11/06/2012 0003101037 7035010 D 1,300.56 V13N1568 11/06/2012 0003101037 7035010 D 319.61 V13N2651 12/17/2012 N/A 703 5010 D 3,548.08 V13N2651 12/17/2012 N/A 703 5010 D 816.60 V13N3484 01/15/2013 0003319449 7035010 D 9,237.92 V13N3484 01/15/2013 0003319449 7035010 D 2,553.17 V13N4596 03/05/2013 0003525806 7035010 D 980.80 V13N4596 03/05/2013 0003525806 7035010 D 3,206.00 V13N5288 04/05/2013 0003639340 7035010 D 2,574.82 V13N5288 04/05/2013 0003639340 7035010 D 833.07 V13N5692 04/09/2013 0003643905 7035010 D 605.86 V13N5692 04/09/2013 0003643905 7035010 D 1,898.16 V13N6670 05/21/2013 0003776185 7035010 D 1,010.58 V13N6670 05/21/2013 0003776185 7035010 D 3,361.56 V13N6956 06/04/2013 0003875895 7035010 D 634.02 V13N6956 06/04/2013 0003875895 7035010 D 1,890.63 Total Account 34,771.44 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9902 Section 4 CFDA 10.555

V13N1568 11/06/2012 0003101037 7035010 D 4,683.90 V13N2651 12/17/2012 N/A 703 5010 D 11,813.01 V13N3484 01/15/2013 0003319449 7035010 D 33,160.21 V13N4596 03/05/2013 0003525806 7035010 D 12,195.66 V13N5288 04/05/2013 0003639340 7035010 D 10,456.15 V13N5692 04/09/2013 0003643905 7035010 D 8,204.04 V13N6670 05/21/2013 0003776185 7035010 D 13,135.32 V13N6956 06/04/2013 0003875895 7035010 D 7,121.91 Total Account 100,770.20 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9912 Cash for Commodities CFDA 10.555

V13N1568 11/06/2012 0003101037 7035010 D 612.43
V13N2651 12/17/2012 N/A 703 5010 D 1,484.44 V13N3484 01/15/2013 0003319449 7035010 D 4,507.00 V13N4596 03/05/2013 0003525806 7035010 D 1,610.47 V13N5288 04/05/2013 0003639340 7035010 D 1,371.60 V13N5692 04/09/2013 0003643905 7035010 D 1,087.00 V13N6670 05/21/2013 0003776185 7035010 D 1,749.70 V13N6956 06/04/2013 0003875895 7035010 D 940.26 Total Account 13,362.90 0.00

3532-3520 3520 Title I Low Income CFDA 84.010

V13F0290 10/02/2012 N/A 703 5010 D 6,340.00 V13F0550 11/05/2012 0003097731 7035010 D 7,248.00 V13F0835 12/03/2012 0003202475 7035010 D 10,097.00 V13F1405 02/04/2013 0003414918 7035010 D 10,096.00 V13F1674 03/05/2013 0003525594 7035010 D 5,045.00 V13F1928 04/08/2013 0003642104 7035010 D 5,000.00 V13F2497 06/04/2013 0003875568 7035010 D 32,203.00 Total Account 76,029.00 0.00

3592-3070 S070 Character Education Initiative CFDA 84.215

V1306819 05/14/2013 0003769473 7032990 D 500.00 Total Account 500.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 252,090.01 0.00 Total Aid 3,882,075.20 0.00
Notes to the Annual State Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 5000s or 7000s (i.e. 5110 or 7310) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. As a result of the state's financial condition, a portion of general state aid and supplemental general state aid payments due to local school districts in June 2013 were delayed until July 1, 2013. Even though school districts did not receive these payments until July, according to K.S.A. 72-6417, they are to be recorded and accounted for by school districts in June. 6. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 08/05/2013
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